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Win32 Programming Lesson 10: Thread Scheduling and Priorities.

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1 Win32 Programming Lesson 10: Thread Scheduling and Priorities

2 Where are we?  We’ve got thread basics worked out…  But it’s very helpful to understand how the OS deals with thread scheduling  This lesson, we’ll work on scheduling threads – understanding how each one gets executed on the machine

3 Thread Context  Remember the kernel keeps a copy of the thread context which contains important runtime information Such as?  Every 20ms or so, Windows looks at the thread contexts on the machine and decided which to allow to run This is known as a context switch – see a tool like Spy++

4 Context Switch (cntd)  After about 20ms, the Operating System saves the processor’s internal state to thread’s context and looks for the next thread to execute  This cycle continues until the system shuts down  Only “schedulable” threads can be run

5 Example: Notepad  When Notepad is just sitting about as a Window with nothing to do, it is not marked schedulable  When the OS sees that the Windows has been moved or typed in, the thread is marked as schedulable NB: This is not the same as actually running the thread – that still depends on the OS scheduler

6 Ensuring you get run  Often, want to make sure that there is no latency between a particular action (maybe data arriving on a port) and response  How?  Sorry, can’t be done easily. Windows is not a Real-time operating system

7 Suspending and Resuming Threads  DWORD ResumeThread(HANDLE hThread)  DWORD SuspendThread(HANDLE hThread)  NB: A thread can be suspended multiple times. If a thread is suspended more than once, it must be resumed more than once before it becomes schedulable  Danger, Will Robinson! Randomly suspending a thread can cause deadlocks. Don’t do this unless you know exactly what the thread is doing!

8 Example: Suspending a Process  Why is the idea of suspending a process meaningless?  What do we mean when we do this?  Let’s look at an example from VS2013

9 Sleeping  A thread can tell the OS that it wants to go to sleep (that is, be unscheduled for a certain amount of time)  VOID Sleep(DWORD dwMilliseconds) Calling Sleep automatically gives up the rest of this time slice The time to sleep is approximate – remember, Windows is not a real-time OS You can call Sleep with the parameter INFINITE. This is not useful. You can call Sleep with the parameter 0 to give up the remainder of this timeslice

10 Switching to another Thread  Imagine you have a low-priority thread locking a resource…  Can use BOOL SwitchToThread() See if another thread is CPU starved and waiting Returns FALSE if no other thread can run Similar to Sleep except lower-priority threads also execute

11 Aside: ThreadExecution Times  Naively, most simply take the time at the start of a code block and the end, and subtract No guarantee there weren’t thread switches in there!  Instead, can use BOOL GetThreadTimes( HANDLE hThread, PFILETIME pftCreationTime, PFILETIME pftExitTime, PFILETIME pftKernelTime, PFILETIME pftUserTime);

12 Thread Context Revisited  There is actually a structure for the thread context documented by Microsoft… ooh!  Declared in winnt.h (see here for details)here  So, if we wanted to we could stop a running thread and modify its context… well, let’s look at the example in the book…

13 Thread Priorities  Each thread can execute at a different priority  Priorities are assigned from 0 (lowest) to 31 (highest)  When the scheduler assigns a thread it always passes control to a priority 31 thread if there are any available to run  And so on, down the priorities…

14 Caveat Emptor  Microsoft does not fully document the behavior of the scheduler  Microsoft tells you the scheduler is subject to change  Microsoft provides an abstraction layer – you can’t talk to the scheduler directly

15 Windows Priorities  Six process levels Real-time: respond immediately to time-critical messages. This priority is higher than task manager – it you use it, you can hang the machine! BE CAREFUL! High: threads which must respond. This is how task manager runs Above normal: between high and normal Normal: No special scheduling needs Below normal: between normal and idle Idle: Only run when the system is basically idle

16 And then threads  You can set the relative thread priorities too…  This sets the overall priority  So, this all sounds good, but how do you do it?


18 DIY  A process can also call BOOL SetPriorityClass(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD fwdPriority)  Example: SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS)  Also DWORD GetPriorityClass(HANDLE hProcess)  Similarly SetThreadPriority(HANDLE hThread, int nPriority)

19 Tweaking the Scheduler  Can optimize the foreground or background processes

20 Affinities  Can control which processor a thread executes on, on a multi-processor machine Why does this matter?

21 Assignment  Threading is a very useful technique  Write a network server which listens on Port 31337  The server should handle multiple clients, creating a new thread for each client  The server simply echoes back what you type (but waits for a newline)  A session is closed when the string “close” is typed to the server  The console should provide a simple output which details the number of threads in use when asked  Also, the console should remain responsive to a “shutdown” request

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