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Unit 5 Time management. Goal 目标 Learn how to talk about scheduling daily appointments, setting up long-term schedules, and managing time more effectively.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Time management. Goal 目标 Learn how to talk about scheduling daily appointments, setting up long-term schedules, and managing time more effectively."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 Time management

2 Goal 目标 Learn how to talk about scheduling daily appointments, setting up long-term schedules, and managing time more effectively. 学习怎样谈论日常的预约、计划、安排、 长远的日程安排以及如何更有效地利用时 间。

3 Concepts 概念 Time management leads to higher productivity Important for an employee to know what needs to be done and when Missed appointments with clients is bad for business, and does not project a good company image The best professionals are those who can manage their time in the most effective manner.

4 Vocabulary 词 汇

5 1.Appointment a pre-determined meeting at a specific time and place. 预 约 2. Schedule a group of appointments slotted over a specific time horizon. Can be administered personally or by a secretary, personal assistant. Etc. 日程表 3. Meeting a group of individuals getting together to announce or discuss business matters. 会议 4.Planner a formatted tool for scheduling appointments, calling meeting,and managing time effectively. 电子记事簿、电子秘书

6 5. PIM, PDA 个人信息管理器、商务通 Personal information manager, personal digital assistant. An electronic planner that combines multiple business functions, such as E-mail, calendar, phone book, address book, note pad, time, date, calculator,etc.

7 6.Minutes 会 议 记 录 7. To-do lists 执 行 表 8. Action plan 实 施 计 划 9. Multi-tasking 多项任务、身兼多职 10. Prioritizing 区分优先 11.Agenda 议程

8 Usage 使用 1. I ’ d like to call a meeting for … ? 2. The meeting ’ s postponed indefinitely? 3. We ’ re having an impromptu meeting! 4. It ’ s an all-hands meeting. 5. I need to meet with the CEO. Can you make an appointment for me? 6. The meeting ’ s rescheduled for ….

9 12. Are you effective at multi-tasking? Do you work well under pressure? 13. This is a high-priority job. Let ’ s get on it right away. 13. What ’ s on the agenda for tomorrow ’ s meeting?

10 7. Please notify everyone the meeting is cancelled. 8. Has anybody seen my planner? 9. Let ’ s go over the minutes of last Friday ’ s meeting. 10. Harry, have you called about repairing the photocopier? Not yet, it ’ s on my to-do list. 11. I need an action plan for next Wednesday ’ s meeting.

11 Culture In western business, making an appointment is commonplace for most business dealings. Most company personnel are on a tight schedule, and it saves your time and theirs by planning ahead and scheduling appointments.

12 Gail: Sir, Mr. James from Editing would like your opinion on this report. Gerry: I ’ m too busy right now Put it in my in-box. Gail: Yes sir. And Sally Jones from Photography wants to discuss the Osten campaign. Gerry: Hmm, yes, that ’ s a key issue we still have to resolve. What ’ s my schedule like? Gail: The earliest slot available is in two days. Gerry: OK, make an appointment for a meeting with her. While you ’ re at it, make an appointment with the client after the meeting with Sally. We ’ ll discuss the final design and the contract.

13 Gail: According to your planner, you want to check on the Farley project today. Gerry: No need. The design ’ s available. Now, where did I put the minutes for last week ’ s meeting … oh, there they are! Let me see the agenda for this next meeting, please. Gail: Right here, sir.

14 Role-playing 找 3 个人跟你一起练习。选择以下一个场景, 没有预约。每个人都想在同一时间干同一 件事情。 找 3 个人跟你一起练习。选择以下一个场景, 没有预约。每个人都想在同一时间干同一 件事情。 * 秘书丢失了老板的电子记事簿。 3 个潜在 客户亲自来或打电话来要求见老板。 * 3 位客人到理发店去理发,却只有一个理 发师。 * 在牙医诊所来了 3 位牙痛得很厉害的病人。

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