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Chapter 6. Objectives Understand how to use the MedTrak Scheduler Block out a time range in the schedule Clear a blocked time range Schedule a new patient.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6. Objectives Understand how to use the MedTrak Scheduler Block out a time range in the schedule Clear a blocked time range Schedule a new patient."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6

2 Objectives Understand how to use the MedTrak Scheduler Block out a time range in the schedule Clear a blocked time range Schedule a new patient Schedule and existing patient Add a note to a patient’s appointment Move an appointment to a different time Cancel an appointment

3 Key Concepts ProvidersLocation structure Family doctorLocation level Primary careDivision level Urgent careStaff level Employee healthCalendar button Workers’ compensationExisting patient Location scheduleNew Patient Time rangePatient responsibility Time incrementPayers Authorization numberAppointment note

4 Scheduling

5 Scheduling system controls patient flow Providers plan their days based on seeing certain number of patients, returning phone calls, meeting with patients outside office “No” to a room full of unhappy waiting patients “No” to long wait times due to overbooking “No” to no patients for the providers to treat Scheduling system helps avoid these “No’s” Providers=physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, chiropractors, rehab therapists, radiologists Any health care professional who schedules appointments with patients is a PROVIDER.

6 Setting up a schedule Set up schedule depending on availability of providers MedTrak-one division with three providers-2 physicians, 1 physician assistant, who wee patients for primary care, urgent care, employee health and workers’ compensation

7 Primary Care Physicians “Family Doctor” Concerned with your health over a period of time Also handle the management of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure

8 Urgent Care Immediate health issues such as; colds, bladder infections, and cuts Things that may occur on a daily basis and can be resolved in 1-2 visits Typically done at an urgent care clinic or emergency department

9 Employee Health Review and preventative care for the employees of companies through the use of pre-employment exams, annual physicals, drug testing, TB testing, immunizations such as flu shots,

10 Workers’ Compensation Physicians Work with employees who are injured on the job Can be musculoskeletal injury or exposure to heat, chemicals Physicians contracted by employer to provide care

11 MedTrak Providers Dr. Alice T. Smith-Primary and Urgent Care Dr. Mark N. Chang-Urgent Care, Employee Health and Workers’ Compensation Juan O. Garcia-Physician’s Assistant who works with both of doctors’ patients in Primary Care, Urgent Care, Employee Health and Workers’ Compensation

12 Medical Office and Providers’ Schedule Medical office schedules appoints in 15-minute increments

13 Hours Medical OfficeMonday-Friday8am-5pm Saturday 9am-1pm SmithM, T, Thurs, Fri9am-5pm Wednesday 9am-12pm ChangM,T,W,Fri9am-5pm Thursday 9am-12pm GarciaM,T,W,Thurs8am-5pm Friday8am-12pm Saturday 9am-1pm

14 Do This!Pg. 50 Setting to Specific Date on the Schedule

15 Do This!Pg. 51 Setting To A Provider’s Schedule

16 MedTrak 3 Level Hierarchical Structure 1. “Medical Office” Location Level-Physical Location(name of facility) 2. “MEDICAL” Division Level-departments within medical facility-ours has one level, some may have multiple such as; medical, orthopedics, rehab etc.. 3. Staff Level-Physicians, specialists, other providers appear

17 Scheduling Screen-Dr. Chang

18 Do This!Pg. 52 Blocking Out Time In The Schedule At The Location Level

19 Do This!Pg. 55 & 56

20 Clearing Blocked Time In Schedule

21 Clear Blocked Time Screen

22 Block Cleared Do This!Pg. 58

23 Blocking Out Time In Schedule At Staff Level

24 Do This!Pg. 61 & 62

25 Scheduling Existing Patient Appointments Set to appropriate provider’s schedule Select the appointment date and time Click the Add Appt. button

26 Selecting Patient To Schedule Do This! Pg. 64

27 Selecting Patient/Company Relationship Do This! Pg. 65

28 Confirming Patient’s Payers Do This! Pg. 66

29 Appointment Scheduling Do This!Pg. 67

30 Appointment Note

31 Scheduling Screen Do This! Pg. 69 & 70

32 Scheduling New Patient Appointments Scheduling staff sets appropriate provider’s schedule Selects the appointment date and time Clicks “Add Appt” button

33 Selecting The Patient To Schedule Do This! Pg. 72 & 73

34 Selecting The Patient/Company Relationship Do This! Pg. 74

35 Selecting The Patient’s Payers

36 Entity/Payers: Select

37 Patient/Payers Do This! Pg. 77

38 Appointment Scheduling Do This! Pg. 78

39 Appointment Note

40 Scheduling Do This! Pg. 79

41 Scheduling A Second Appointment For a New Patient Do This! Pg. 80

42 Moving An Appointment To A Different Time Place cursor in command field next to current appointment Click MOVE APPT button Click PAGE UP button to set the Scheduling screen for the Provider Place cursor in desired time command field Click TO HERE button Next to appear is Scheduling: Move Appointment screen Review your information

43 Scheduling Move Appointment Do This! Pg. 84

44 Cancelling An Appointment

45 Printing The Medical Office And Providers’ Schedules Do This! Pg. 87 Do This! Pg. 89 Do This! Pg. 90

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