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API’s. They’re snazzy.. API’s are nifty. Human/Computer: GUI AS Computer/More complex Computer: API.

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Presentation on theme: "API’s. They’re snazzy.. API’s are nifty. Human/Computer: GUI AS Computer/More complex Computer: API."— Presentation transcript:

1 API’s. They’re snazzy.

2 API’s are nifty. Human/Computer: GUI AS Computer/More complex Computer: API

3 How it works! API Awesom eness XML, JSON, Whatever URL 1’s and 0’s

4 Anatomy of an API call The Base URL The Query The Key http://BASEURL?query=QUERY&api-key=KEY

5 If you want to try it out (reference): cht= &chd= &chs= &...additional_parameters... cht=p3& chs=250x100& chd=t:60,40& chl=Hello|World

6 Rainfall data Monday: 8 Tuesday: 50 Weds: 33 Thursday: 55 reference:

7 Rainfall data Monday: 8 Tuesday: 50 Weds: 33 Thursday: 55 cht=lc &chs=200x125 &chd=t:8,50,33,55


9 Get to know your Times API’s Article Search API Most Popular API Movie Reviews API Times Newswire API TimesPeople API TimesTags API Real Estate listings API Community API Best Sellers API Campaign Finance API Congress API Districts API NY State Legislature API Internal NYTimes Data External data they’re hosting for fun



12 More about queries! Search terms q=puppies Begin date and end date q=puppies&begin_date=20110828 Fields requested back q=puppies&fl=headline,date Rank (the order) q=puppies&sort=oldest page(what group of 10 we’re on) q=puppies&page = 3 page

13 Cheat sheet!!!11!

14 Common returned Query items (fl =…) web_url Snippet lead_paragraph Abstract print_page Blog Source multimedia Let’s give it a go! Headline Keywords pub_date document_type news_desk Byline type_of_material _id word_count

15 {"response": {"meta":{"hits":24226,"time":303,"offset":0}, "docs":[ {"headline":{"seo":"A Chicken Thighs Recipe With Mediterranean Flavor","main":"A Chicken’s Tour of the Mediterranean","content_kicker":"City Kitchen","print_headline":"A Chicken’s Tour of the Mediterranean"} "byline":{"person":[{"organization":"","role":"reported","firstname":" David","rank":1,"lastname":"TANIS"}],"original":"By DAVID TANIS"}}, {"headline":{"seo":"Hamptons Chickens Get a Modern Coop by ARO Architects","main":"The Eggs Are Happy, Too ","content_kicker":"Q&A","kicker":"Q&A","print_headline":"The Eggs Are Happy, Too"}, "byline":{"person":[{"organization":"","role":"reported","firstname":" Steven","rank":1,"lastname":"KURUTZ"}],"original":"By STEVEN KURUTZ"}}, ]},"status":"OK","copyright":"Copyright (c) 2013 The New York Times Company. All Rights Reserved."}


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