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How to publish your app 1 CS440. Step 1: Remove any debug logging  Good practice: comment out any debug logging  Why? CS440 2.

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Presentation on theme: "How to publish your app 1 CS440. Step 1: Remove any debug logging  Good practice: comment out any debug logging  Why? CS440 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to publish your app 1 CS440

2 Step 1: Remove any debug logging  Good practice: comment out any debug logging  Why? CS440 2

3 Step 2: Build your final apk  Use Apache Ant  For windows:  In a command line run:  set path=%PATH%;C:\dev\android-sdk- windows\tools  Go to your project root path then run:  >android update project –t 2 --path. CS440 3

4 Step 3: Generate a key  When debugging with eclipse the package is technically signed  You need to sign your app with a real key  What is a key???  In the project base directory run: keytool -genkey -v - keystore my-release-key.keystore CS440 4

5 More info about keys  Trust needs to be established between market and developer  The key is your personal signature  You can use the same key for multiple app releases  What is a private key?  What is a public key?  What is authentication? CS440 5

6 Public key cryptography CS440 6

7 Public key cryptography CS440 7

8 Step 4: Build your app with the key  Run: ant release or  With Eclipse  To export an unsigned APK from Eclipse, right-click the project in the Package Explorer and select Android Tools > Export Signed Application Package.  Use the key you just created  Then specify the file location for the unsigned APK. CS440 8

9 Step 4: Build your app with the key  You app is built with your key… time to upload to the market!  Register to the market ($25 fee)  Upload your release apk CS440 9

10 References  developer/answer/113469?hl=en developer/answer/113469?hl=en  ml ml  percentages-and-payouts-what-developers-need-to-know/1205 percentages-and-payouts-what-developers-need-to-know/1205   0export%20%20and%20publish%20APK%20application%20file%20in% 20Andrioid 0export%20%20and%20publish%20APK%20application%20file%20in% 20Andrioid  CS440 10

11 To publish in market  AndroidManifest:  Install location: auto  Version code  Version  From eclipse Export => generate new key  You can use keypass to save your keys  => publish  To make money: setup paypal account  At least two screenshots needed  Application icon needed 11

12 To publish a change  Make a change  Goto manifest:  Change version code  Change version  Do not regenerate the key or keystore  Just use different keys for different applications  Export again CS440 12

13 Different ways to publish  Google play  Amazon  Send the apk on an e-mail: automatically installs from gmail accounts  Put it on your website CS440 13

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