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Oregon Labor Market Information System Know Your Job Market.

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Presentation on theme: "Oregon Labor Market Information System Know Your Job Market."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oregon Labor Market Information System Know Your Job Market

2 Oregon Labor Market Information OLMIS Offers you information on industries, occupations, wages, education and training requirements and more to help you know more about what you want to be when you enter the world of work. Simply go to to connect to your We also offer information in our career planning tabloid “CAREERS”



5 Interactive Charts Click on any bar and you can see more information


7 Scroll down to find publications of special industry studies


9 Scroll down to find Publications, Helpful Links and our famous Quarterly Analysis titled “Oregonians@Work”


11 One way to search this tool is to type a keyword associated to your occupation. For example I can type “Carpenter” or “Wood” in this case we typed “Marketing Manager” Another way to search this tool is by our “Drill Down” System of interactive lists, which start with the more general occupational groups and narrows down to a specific occupation

12 Full Report All data related to this Occupation One Page Report Only Key data related to this Occupation Custom Report You choose the data related to this Occupation Select Region What part of Oregon do you want the data for?

13 One Page Report or “Quick Report” Contains the most commonly asked for information to include current job openings for the selected occupation. Build your own report by selecting the kinds of information you want or need to know about your selected occupation.

14 Full report is the “whole enchilada” it is all the information we have associated to each occupation with an easy to navigate system. Easy Navigation Options Most reports include a video that offers a view of what the work environment is like!

15 We provide information about the sources for our data


17 If you don’t know what occupation you are interested or qualified for, you can begin by using the Skill or Occupation explorer.

18 Select an occupation type, a region in the state AND Level of education you have or want to achieve Type of wages you expect or want to make Are you interested in fast growing occupations or stable ones? What information is most important to when ranking the choices?

19 Skills Explorer allows you to generate a list of Skills you have acquired through paid or volunteer work, education, training or hobbies… You start by selecting a skill group like “Math Skills” or “Management Skills” you can do this either by Keyword or by selecting from a list of Skill Group Titles.

20 The employer database is a leased database that offers job seekers contact information to a most companies in every type of industry. This database is not a complete listing but is one of the best non- confidential sources of business information. Many folks use it to generate their own job leads. Search by industry or company name! Select a state and a county

21 The Educational Information Center allows people to find training providers or educational institutions that train for the career of their choice, it includes academic as well as technical and trade schools.

22 OLMIS An invitation to come and play with the data and learn more about your career choices!

23 Thank You Malcolm G Boswell Workforce Analyst WorkSource Oregon Employment Department 19421 SE Stark St, Gresham OR 97233 (503) 666-1985 Ext. 309 *

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