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Brad, Victoria and Paige. Politico-economic union 28 member states Formed after WWII 1948 Hague Congress- pivotal in European federal history Led to European.

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Presentation on theme: "Brad, Victoria and Paige. Politico-economic union 28 member states Formed after WWII 1948 Hague Congress- pivotal in European federal history Led to European."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brad, Victoria and Paige

2 Politico-economic union 28 member states Formed after WWII 1948 Hague Congress- pivotal in European federal history Led to European Movement International and the College of Europe 1951- Founding countries created the EU: France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg and Netherlands (united their coal and steel industries) 1952- creation of the European Coal and Steel Community “first step in the Federation of Europe.” BACKGROUND/TIMELINE


4 After WWII (1951-present) Economic partnership bringing countries in Europe together Most recent activity: Croatia joining the EU in July 2013 Trying to recruit more countries to create a stronger union 1951- first treaty was formed (Treaty of Paris) Treaty of Paris: signed April 18 th 1951 by West Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) WHAT/WHEN?

5 Escape from extreme forms of nationalism Established a common market with a single currency and member states agree to abide by common laws Foster economic cooperation The idea of being that countries whom trade with one another become economically interdependent so more likely to avoid conflict Aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services and capitol WHY?

6 Crisis Response and Humanitarian Aid EU provides around 50% of global funding for emergency relief. Provides lifesaving aid to victims of disaster, refugees and others in dire need Responds to international needs: earthquakes in Haiti, tsunamis in Japan, or flooding in Pakistan Force of Global Security Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP), the EU operates civilian and military missions worldwide EU SIGNIFICANCE

7 Ukrainian President Sets Sights on Closer E.U. Ties (2014) “The doors of the E.U. are open to us; I am absolutely convinced of this,” (President Petro O. Poroshenko) Move towards European integration GDP Rise Rise in GDP from 2005-2013 between the majority of the members of the EU E.g. Belgium (9.8), France (7.6), Germany (12.1), Luxembourg (18.3) Economically 12 new members of the EU have higher growth rates than elder members Reasons for growth: government commitments to monetary policy, export oriented trade policies, low flat tax rates, utilization of cheap labour eu.html?_r=0 HOW IS THE EUROPEAN UNION DOING?


9 Social problems  High unemployment – more than six million jobs were lost from 2008 – 2013  Poverty has increased  High debt  More limited action to education europes-social-problem-and-its-implications-for-economic-growth/ PROBLEMS WITH EU

10 union-loses-favor-in-europe.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 VICTORIA

11 When countries join the European Union, they had to sacrifice a lot to get where they are. Countries sacrificed their own economic independence. Each country has their own economic standing but it all revolves around the union as a whole The unemployment rate in the European Union is 11.5 % in June, 2013 alone The government hasn’t been as flexible as it should be. The European union has 14 countries with a GDP below 10 My personal opinion is that the union isn’t working like it did when it was first started, it needs big changes that aren’t going to happen over night but need to be made so that the failing countries are no longer failing. The European union works as a whole when its succeeding but when its failing Germany throws higher taxes and less sending at the country but it has yet to work. PAIGE

12 Creation of human rights: Increase rights of indigenous people Protection of children/ children’s rights Women’s rights Fight against impunity (preventing crimes against humanity, genocide etc.) Non-discrimination (Article 21 under the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union prohibits discrimination) Human trafficking (no tolerance) Human rights defenders (UN declaration on Human Rights Defenders) Work with NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) Fight against the death penalty Ban of torture and ill-treatment Protecting and promoting the rights on LGBT people (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender= equality rights) BRAD: “… RESULTED IN DRAMATIC CHANGES IN PEOPLE’S LIVES..”

13 The budget of the EU Parliament for 2012 is 1.7 billion euros, 24% of this amount is spent for basic expenditures of MPs, such as travel, accommodation, food etc. Germany is the country with the highest number of seats in the European Parliament. Being the most populous country in the European Union, it has 99 MPs 1/3 of the MPs are woman In 1990 the population and territory of the European Union were enlarged when East Germany reunited with West Germany INTERESTING FACTS

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