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Stefano Scarpetta Direcotr for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Rapporto CNEL sul mercato del lavoro, Roma 30 Settembre, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Stefano Scarpetta Direcotr for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Rapporto CNEL sul mercato del lavoro, Roma 30 Settembre, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stefano Scarpetta Direcotr for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Rapporto CNEL sul mercato del lavoro, Roma 30 Settembre, 2014

2 Unemployment has started to decline in the OECD, but further progress is required as the job recovery has not gone very fast yet. People have borne considerable personal, economic and social costs that may prove to be long-lasting: –long-term unemployment remains persistently high, –many employees have experienced economic hardship. Fixed term contracts are increasingly used for new hires, but they are not an automatic stepping-stone to permanent work. Not just more jobs but also better jobs are needed. The good news is that there is little sign of a trade-off between job quantity and job quality across countries. 2 The recovery is gaining momentum but there is no time for complacency

3 3 Unemployment has started to decline, but further progress is required…

4 4 … since the job recovery has not gone very fast yet.

5 Among those who are unemployed, an increasing number of persons are out of work for 12 months or more, facing a depreciation of their skills and a risk of labour market exclusion. Among those who have kept their jobs, many workers and their families have experienced economic hardship as a result of declines in the spending power of their earnings from work. 5 People have borne considerable personal, economic and social costs

6 6 Long-term unemployment remains persistently high.

7 7 Labour costs have grown at a much slower pace. This has played an important role in helping the labour market weather the crisis…

8 8 … but the flip side is that many workers saw the real value of their earnings fall.

9 9... since fixed term contracts are increasingly used for new hires…

10 10 … albeit atypical jobs are not an automatic stepping- stone to permanent work.

11 Job quality embraces a range of aspects that matter for well-being: Earnings quality: level and distribution of earnings; Labour market security: risk and consequence of job loss in terms of lost income; Quality of the working environment: extent to which workers have the resources they need to meet the demands of their jobs. 11 Not just more jobs but also better jobs are needed

12 12 There is little sign of a trade-off between job quantity and job quality across countries…

13 Read more about our work Website: Follow us on Twitter : @OECD_Social@OECD_Social Thank you

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