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A self-governing constituent body of a university offering living quarters (sometimes separate or within a university) College.

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Presentation on theme: "A self-governing constituent body of a university offering living quarters (sometimes separate or within a university) College."— Presentation transcript:

1 a self-governing constituent body of a university offering living quarters (sometimes separate or within a university) College

2 inside source for college planning tools and advice

3 one who is learning by practical experience under skilled workers Apprenticeship

4 Bachelors a person who has received what is usually the lowest degree conferred by a 4- year college, university, or professional school

5 Room and board lodging and food usually furnished for a set price or as part of wages

6 SAT used for a standardized test used to evaluate suitability for college admission

7 Graduate a holder of an academic degree or diploma

8 number of students compared to faculty put in ratio format Student-to-faculty ratio

9 an officer (as of a monastery or college) in charge of funds : treasurer Bursar

10 In-state in the state you live

11 Undergraduate a student at a college or university who has not received a first and especially a bachelor's degree

12 Masters a person holding an academic degree higher than a bachelor's but lower than a doctor's

13 the price of or payment for instruction Tuition

14 used for a standardized achievement test to evaluate suitability for college admission ACT

15 Admissions the act or process of admitting

16 outside of the state you live Out of state

17 Enrollment becoming a member of

18 an institution of higher learning providing facilities for teaching and research and authorized to grant academic degrees University

19 Vocational School of, relating to, or undergoing training in a skill or trade to be pursued as a career - trade, art, or calling

20 2-year degree Associates

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