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2011 OSEP Leadership Mega Conference Collaboration to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career 2.0 New Research findings on children and youth from the National.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 OSEP Leadership Mega Conference Collaboration to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career 2.0 New Research findings on children and youth from the National."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 OSEP Leadership Mega Conference Collaboration to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career 2.0 New Research findings on children and youth from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Postsecondary Education for Students with Intellectual Disability Debra Hart Think College Institute for Community Inclusion University of Massachusetts, Boston Strand 206NR-S

2 Why conduct research?  Postsecondary education for students with intellectual disabilities 20+ years – majority within last 10 years  Minimal information  Very limited research on efficacy of different models and evidence-based practice on student outcomes

3 What was being investigated?  Descriptive  Characteristics of postsecondary education programs  Impact of a postsecondary education on outcomes for students with intellectual disabilities

4 Definition of Intellectual Disability Higher Education Opportunities Act 2008 A)With a cognitive impairment, characterized by significant limitations in— (i) intellectual and cognitive functioning; and (ii) adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills; and B) Who is currently, or was formerly, eligible for a free appropriate public education under IDEA.

5 Human Face

6 National Survey of Postsecondary Initiatives for Students with Intellectual Disabilities 244 surveyed with 149 respondents from 37 states

7 National Survey Findings  50% 4-year colleges or universities  40% 2-year colleges  10% Trade & Technical schools (N=135)  45% only adults  26% dually enrolled  29% served both (N=118)

8 Admissions / Courses  60% formally enrolled (N=143)  56% special entrance criteria (N=149)  71% don’t take placement test (N=129)  53% access courses via typical registration process (N=130)  75% group instruction, activities, or social events specifically for students w/intellectual disabilities (N=129)

9 Access to Disability & Housing Services  58% receive services from the college’s Disability Service Office (N=128)  39% offer residential options (N=123)

10 Top 5 Challenges 1.Funding (65%) 2.Paid Jobs (62%) 3.Student academic skills (51%) 4.Parent expectations (49%) 5.Self-determination (39%)

11 Future  Research  Knowledge translation & dissemination  Change pre-service personnel training programs

12 ✪ Research ✪ Training & Technical Assistance ✪ Dissemination

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