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Active Social Engagement Active Social Engagement for Students with Autism Alice Hammel, Virginia Commonwealth and James Madison Universities.

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Presentation on theme: "Active Social Engagement Active Social Engagement for Students with Autism Alice Hammel, Virginia Commonwealth and James Madison Universities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Social Engagement Active Social Engagement for Students with Autism Alice Hammel, Virginia Commonwealth and James Madison Universities

2 Background

3 Challenges for students with ASD Little interest in objects of people May not play simple interaction games May not laugh or smile in response to positive statements Limited interest in social speech, imitation, and joint attention Lack of social function or understanding of social cues

4 Socialization and Academic Progress Social communication and academic progress are inherently linked We learn by observing others and through witnessing the outcomes of those behaviors

5 Fundamentals of Social Development Social speech Collaborative play Eye contact Joint attention Jim Along Josie Rhythm Game (imitation)

6 Eye contact Gather information Indicate interests and emotions The intent of others can be very confusing

7 Why? Attention has been drawn elsewhere Anxiety related to the expectations of the classroom at the moment Sensory input needs (hypo or hyper) Delay in cognitive processing necessary to comprehend or retain information Levelance (in pairs)

8 Joint attention Attending to the interest of others This can be extremely difficult. Some students are not interested in engaging with others, their objects, or situations. An inability to process via eye gaze, theory of mind, or other means can exacerbate joint attention miscues. Simon Says Simon Says

9 Central Coherence Central Coherence TheoryCentral Coherence Theory Focus on the local rather than the global aspects of an object of interestFocus on the local rather than the global aspects of an object of interest

10 Theory of mind Trouble predicting actions, intent by assuming beliefs or state of mindTrouble predicting actions, intent by assuming beliefs or state of mind Tone of voiceTone of voice Often cannot understand looks, glances, figures of speech, tone of voice, etc.Often cannot understand looks, glances, figures of speech, tone of voice, etc.

11 Let’s make music! Pass the Ball We are the Dinosaurs

12 Other Challenges for Students with ASD Language Delays Language Delays Age Appropriate Interests Age Appropriate Interests Difficulty interpreting behaviors and emotions Difficulty interpreting behaviors and emotions Difficulty interpreting facial expressions that include emotion Difficulty interpreting facial expressions that include emotion

13 Socialization Strategies For Music Educators who teach Children with ASD

14 Considerations for lesson planning Imitation Fine motor movements Motor planning Taking turns on instruments Performing partner songs Bach Activity

15 Social Stories As individual books Using pictures of the student modeling appropriate social behavior “Setting up” social scenarios

16 Lets make music! Lucy Locket Great Big House in New Orleans

17 Strategies for Educators Eye ContactEye Contact Appropriate ResponsesAppropriate Responses Joint AttentionJoint Attention

18 Interest Finding interests that connect studentsFinding interests that connect students May not be typical or age appropriateMay not be typical or age appropriate

19 I love to Laugh The Prism ProjectThe Prism Project Theory of Mind (revisited)Theory of Mind (revisited) What is means to be funnyWhat is means to be funny Telling JokesTelling Jokes

20 I love to laugh

21 Other considerations Appropriate AtmosphereAppropriate Atmosphere Reverse Inclusion OpportunitiesReverse Inclusion Opportunities Pairing or “Buddying Up”Pairing or “Buddying Up” Literal Explanation (slang, etc.)Literal Explanation (slang, etc.)

22 Lets play Up, Up, and Away

23 Reverse Inclusion Students who are neurotypical may be included in music settings with students with autism. Some models of this include: ASSET (Autism Spectrum Support Education and Training)

24 The Prism Project: Hip- Hop Experience

25 Concluding thoughts Alice Hammel

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