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5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 1 5.1 Actions from 18 th Board meeting Item Commissioning.

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Presentation on theme: "5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 1 5.1 Actions from 18 th Board meeting Item Commissioning."— Presentation transcript:

1 5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 1 5.1 Actions from 18 th Board meeting Item Commissioning Plan: produced and circulated at Dec BEC Item Workshop: to be postponed to 2008 (TW) Item solicitation to build & commission HRS Postponed until feedback to KM from UC VC, Prof Roy Sharpe. Draft circulated at March BEC. Distributed to Board/SSWG and ready to circulate. deadline for initial response (2 June?) distribution ? Item Productivity summary metrics from SSWG: No developments in light of suspension of full science ops. SSWG to consider before commencement of “Semester 1” & prior to Nov Board meeting

2 5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 2 5.2.1Summary of SSWG decisions: Image Quality DOD presented detailed IQ report to SSWG. Conclusions point to problem with SAC, particularly M4/M5. Only way to get the observed field-dependent aberrations Will potentially involve removal of SAC for realignment Worst-case scenario could involve return to SAGEM, but option to align in SA much preferred Will involve external expertise (e.g. Arek Swat, Larry Ramsey, John Booth, SAGEM) Motion: The SSWG thanks DOD for the effort led in IQ investigation and endorses the plan he has put forward to progress to a solution. 5.2Project Scientists Report

3 5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 3 5.2.1Summary of SSWG decisions: Near IR extension for RSS Andy Sheinis & Marsha Wolf presented Concept Design for the NIR extension of RSS Development of option considered from Day 1 (provision for NIR beam provided by Ken Nordsieck) Really a “Generation 1.5” instrument (will share part of existing RSS collimator) Progress on sensitivity/background calculations since last meeting Wavelength limit 1.54 to 1.71µm, depending on what is cooled Debate on the capability/complexity of the instrument, and possible phased approach for adding additional capabilities Cost ranges from $2.63M to $3.36M for proposed options and possibly less for less capability (TBD) Funding proposed from combination of UW in-kind (part of Andy’s startup) and a bid for an NSF Major Research Instrument proposal. Would not initially leverage SALT funding (until HRS completed) 5.2Project Scientists Report

4 5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 4 5.2.1Summary of SSWG decisions: Near IR extension for RSS (contd.) Motion: 1.SSWG reaffirms that HRS is the #1 priority for further instrument development 2.SSWG views favourably the construction of a NIR arm for RSS with design details yet to be agreed by the SSWG. The process for arriving at this agreement is the establishment of a SSWG subcommittee, to be constituted by the Project Scientist, to agree with the NIR Principal Investigator on the details of the instrument. 3.Contingent upon such an agreement, the SSWG will support the PI in his effort to raise funding, including providing support in his bid for an NSF MRI grant, including writing a letter of endorsement. The following persons have agreed to serve on the RSS-NIR subcommittee: DB (Chair), AS, RF, DOD, LWR, SD & TW 5.2Project Scientists Report

5 5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 5 5.2.2RSS Status Report Report in Board papers (incl. Appendix by Steve Potter) Many completion/commissioning issues –SALT Ops/SAAO assisting in these –Still involvement of RSS Team Commitments of RSS Team members (e.g. Eric Burgh, Ken Nordiseck, Naseem Rangwala & Daniel Harbeck) to return at appropriate time for continued commissioning of RSS modes –Will happen once Payload subsystems/telescope is able to fully support RSS –Additional testing also required for modes before RSS goes “on-sky” with these (e.g. mechanism reliability tests) ATP Process still underway Biggest issue is the under-performance of the throughput of RSS, particularly in the UV-Vis 5.2Project Scientists Report

6 5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 6 5.2Project Scientists Report

7 5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 7 5.2Project Scientists Report

8 5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 8 5.2.2RSS Status Report Throughput Possible explanations for poor performance: 1.“colour centres” in annealed NaCl blanks (throughput never measured) 2.Bad/degraded anti-reflection coating(s) but KHN claims all witness samples OK 3.Underperformance of CCDs QE but SALTICAM CCDs are OK (even at 340 nm) SSWG Motion: The SSWG recognizes the significant progress made by the RSS and SALT Ops. Teams in bringing RSS to its current state. It shares the disappointment of the Teams over the recently determined throughput problems, especially in the UV/blue where SALT/RSS was designed to have a significant advantage. The SSWG therefore asks the RSS PI to present a plan of action to the BEC, no later the June meeting, to: 1.Identify/locate the source/sources of throughput losses 2.Propose appropriate solutions to remedy these losses 5.2Project Scientists Report

9 5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 9 5.2.2RSS Status Report Cost to Completion Update No update before Board paper written, but the PI has subsequently sent the following: Nominal Dollars 2005 Q22005 Q3Delta UW$3,768,363$3,787,111$18,748 SAAO$559,492$605,231$45,739 RU$975,251$975,251$0 Total$5,303,106$5,367,593$64,487 Base dollars (adjusted for CPI) 2005 Q22005 Q3Delta UW$3,361,682$3,375,563$13,881 SAAO$503,786$544,425$40,639 RU$852,892$849,984-$2,908 Total$4,718,360$4,769,972$51,612 5.2Project Scientists Report

10 5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 10 5.2.2RSS Status Report Cost to Completion Update The UW delta is due mostly to: 1.~$5000 fringe benefits holdover from last year 2.~$5000 unexpected expenses to fix the slit mask cutter overrun of $2000 for longslit polishing 4.$1500 for a new focus linear stage to get extra travel 5.$3500 overrun by vendor (Alan Schier) for the beamsplitter. Unsure of SAAO delta ($45K) reasons. Known small amounts in shipping/handling Total in SALT cash actuals is only R50K (R46K non-detector HBS) KHN mixed $ & Rands ? Remaining costs associated with commissioning and Mike Smith slitmask redesign work (budgeted) 5.2Project Scientists Report

11 5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 11 5.2.3SALTICAM Status Report In routine operation with no major faults/problems Autoguider now fully designed, parts in manufactures, crucial components ordered Series of modifications/fixes will be implemented when SALTICAM removed for Autoguider fitting (currently scheduled for late Aug) Will be offline for 4-6 weeks Planning to install newly arrived replacement for Clemens/Reichart camera (“Buckleycam”) in place of SALTICAM, using a “contraption”, during this time –Will then allow RSS slitviewing –Important for RSS continued commissioning No revisions to SALTICAM Cost-to-Completion 5.2Project Scientists Report

12 5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 12 5.2.4HRS Status Report No progress to report from PS side PI reported at SSWG on some developments re. quotations for specific items –Optical fabrication (KiwiStar Optics) –Aspects of mechanical design (farmed out items, like vacuum tank) No progress on Contract draft No specification document produced yet (PS has requested of the PI a single spec. document to be based largely on the Critical Design Review documents, specifically the FPRD, OCDD and ICD) –will form Annexure to contract Potential UC funding cover, as discussed between KM and UC VC at inauguration, has drawn a blank Following BEC resolution, PS drafted open RFP from SALT Board to build HRS. Was circulated to Board/SSWG. Ready to distribute freely. –Who to ? –Deadline for expressions of interest (2 June) ? Potential involvement of other parties –Poland, ATC Edinburgh, MSSSO? 5.2Project Scientists Report

13 5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 13 5.2.4HRS Status Report Price to be specified in Contract based on UC’s post-CDR? estimate, minus expended non-cash contributions associated with design reviews (estimated at $389K, TBC) Including 20% contingency on remaining expenditure, total remaining amount required to build HRS is estimated at ~$2.2M. Funds available: –$250K immediately (original Polish top-up) –~$350K (imminent Göttingen contribution from SALTICAM sale) –~$215K (additional funds from UCLAN, but only released once HRS begin construction) [£117K definite according to GEB] –Total potentially available (in ~months?) of ~$815K –Remaining UC non-cash ~$244K (TBC) PS (& SSWG/Board?) keen to learn from PI about any possible way forward given the UC stance of no work until all funds on deposit Can subset of work begin on specific subsystems to the value of what funds are already committed? How will UC respond to RFP? 5.2Project Scientists Report

14 5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 14 5.2.5FIF Status Report Contracted with SAAO Machine shop to fabricate mechanical parts –PI acknowledges DOD’s support Three stages of the translation stage completed Revised BOM (Bill-of-Materials) received Ordering of other components (precision rails, lead screws, etc.) underway Assembly once items received FIF S/W control on Payload schedule for later in 2006 Design of interface for HRS fibre ferrules agreed to be responsibility of HRS Team –Modification required to original “bare fibre” interface due to HRS proposing A/R coated “window” cemented to fibre Will manufacture one pair of bare fibre ferrules for testing No revisions to FIF Cost-to-Completion 5.2Project Scientists Report

15 5.Science and Instrumentation 19th SALT Board meeting: 8 & 9 May 2006. Cape Town 15 5.2.6Other Business Delivery this week of “Dibnobcam” (aka Buckleycam) as replacement for the Clemenscam/DanCam. At last can return to Chris/Dan (with our thanks)! MASS-DIMM instrument arrived (measures seeing as function of altitude) –Plan to build automated DIMM-MASS instrument, mounted on Meade LX200, atop ~5m tower (as at HET) –Measure C n 2 profile through atmosphere in real time –Useful to predict good seeing conditions –Future potential applications for A-O May have some funds to purchase two RSS interference filters in UV –Good to test throughput –Science applicability Motivating to purchase reflectometer/scatterometer to measure mirror reflectance/scattering from remaining construction funds –Useful to monitor mirror coatings –May be useful in measuring RSS throughput –Cost ~$9000 5.2Project Scientists Report

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