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Published byThomasina Phelps Modified over 9 years ago
JUAS ADVISORY BOARD meeting Louis Rinolfi 23 rd and 24 th April 2014 Louis Néel Physics Nobel Prize, 1970 First President of INPG in 1971
Thanks to F. Demolis, M. Gauthier, M. Romand and H. Hoffmann for ESI support M. Bozzo, M. Martini and E. Métral for JUAS support J.M. De Conto, E. Merle-Lucotte and J.L. Revol for the local organization
Welcome by Elsa Merle-Lucotte
Presentation of ESI by Hans Hoffmann
Hans Hoffmann ESI President Gunther Hartmann & Manjit Dosanjh ESMP co-Directors Louis Rinolfi JUAS Director Marie Gauthier Administrator Marjorie Romand Assistant Filiz Demolis Assistant Manfred Buhler-Broglin ESI Deputy Elias Metral JUAS Deputy Johann Collot ESIPAP Director
Bâtiment Mont Blanc 1 61 rue Antoine Redier Archamps Technopole F-74166 Saint-Julien-en-Genevois Cedex Tél: +33 4 50 31 50 10 3 schools: 1)JUAS:Joint Universities Accelerator School 2)ESIPAP:European School of Instrumentation for Particle and Astroparticle Physics 3)ESMP:European School of Medical Physics
ESI Presidents ESI (European Scientific Institute) was founded in 1994 at Archamps – Haute-Savoie – France as infrastructure to enable “administratively” the school JUAS on request of the President of INPG (12/1992) and supported by a Cluster of European Universities (INPG, TH Darmstadt, Universität Karlsruhe, Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble) and CERN (SPC 3 May 1994) 1994 – 1999 : Denis Linglin 1999 – 2002 : Giorgio Brianti 2002 – 2012:Manfred Buhler-Broglin 2013 –2014:Hans Hoffmann ESI Presidents :
JUAS Directors JUAS started in 1994 at Archamps – Haute-Savoie – France. 1994 – 2000 : Marcelle Rey-Campagnolle 2001 – 2005 : Joël Le Duff 2006 – 2010 : François Méot 2011 – 2014: Louis Rinolfi JUAS Directors :
JUAS logos 1994 - 2011 2011 - 2014 From 2014 T. Kehrer / CERN V. Guyony / Indélébile Création M. Rey-Campagnolle / ISN
JUAS Poster 2014
Minutes Advisory Board 2013 Berlin University
After discussion, the decisions of the Advisory Board are: 1) Continue to apply specific (good) conditions to students coming from partner universities 2) Priority should be given to students coming from partner universities, then from European universities, then from anywhere in the world. => Done 3) Review the status of the present partner universities. => Will be done at this meeting Among the present JUAS partner universities, what is the expected future for the Accelerator Physics and related students following JUAS courses? Three categories have emerged: a) Universities with very low probability sending students to JUAS in the near future: b) Universities with high probability sending students to JUAS in the near future: c) Universities which sent students every year and plan to continue in the near future:: => Update will be done at this meeting Follow-up actions
Agreement between Universities and ESI-JUAS The decisions of the Advisory Board are: The members of the Advisory board agree on this proposal, with the corrections to be made. The objective is to propose to the JUAS partner universities to sign it as soon as possible. The new agreement should be sent to the present JUAS partner universities which didn’t sign yet the agreement => Done After having reviewed the evaluation marks of Stephan, the Advisory Board requests to change the lecturer for 2014 => Done Louis presents the JUAS website. Terry and Peter suggest putting some pictures of JUAS groups. => Done Decision: for the year to come the members agree to distribute two check lists per day (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) => Done
Collaboration with CAS and USPAS In the present context, ESI would need resources (people) to manage another JUAS school during the year. (Hans) The solution could be to make at least a simulation of this project for a “summer JUAS” to get an answer if it is “manageable” for 2014. => Not done Vittorio notes that it could be useful to ask to the JUAS students their agreement that their contacts might be communicated to laboratories, partners … => Done Terry asks if we have a feed back to this date on what the JUAS students became after their participation to the school => Not done
ESIPAP A new school is foreseen to open in January 2014 and running in parallel with JUAS in the same institute (ESI), with 15 students expected for the first year. Advantages: - Synergy between students - Possible common courses Disadvantages: Overload for the secretariat (management) Possible interactions for the computing room Same sources for sponsors The Advisory Board members advise that 2 schools should stay separated on the dates. Now, it is up to ESI to decide to try it this way. Hans precise that the main goal for ESI is to keep the same quality for JUAS, and not to penalizing the schools already existing. Sponsors will also be at stake with a possible synergy, but JUAS should not share its sponsorship. => First ESIPAP school in 2014 with 7 students (course 1) + 2 students (course 2) => Positive feed-back but the main impact is overload for the secretariat (management)
Review of Advisory Board members 2014
UniversitiesSinceMembers of Advisory Board in 2014 Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble (UJF)1994Jean-Marie De Conto Technische Universität Darmstädt1994Joachim Enders Karlsruher Institut fur Technologie (KIT)1994Anke-Susanne Müller Grenoble INstitut Polytechnique (Grenoble INP)1994Elsa Merle-Lucotte Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)1994Youri Koubychine Universidad degli studi di Napoli “Federico II”1994Vittorio Vaccaro Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)1994Antoni Mendez Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”1994Mauro Migliorati Università degli studi di Genova2002Marco Bozzo Technische Universität Berlin2002Heino Henke Universitat de Valencia2002Angeles Faus-Golfe University of Liverpool2011Carsten Welsch Université Paris-Sud Orsay2012Patrick Puzo University of Rostock2013Ursula van Rienen University of Oxford2014Andrei Seryi 15 European Universities partners
InstitutesMembers of Advisory Board ESI PresidentHans Hoffmann ESI administratorMarie Gauthier JUAS DirectorLouis Rinolfi JUAS Deputy DirectorElias M é tral CAS Director (CERN Accelerator School)Roger Bailey Oxford UniversityChris Prior ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)Jean-Luc Revol PSI (Paul Scherrer Institute)Terry Garvey GSI (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung)Peter Forck DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)Winfried Decking BNL (Brookhaven National Laboratory)François Méot 11 representatives from Institutes
Round table of partner universities
15 Universities201220132014 Universitat Polit è cnica de Catalunya000 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona011 Technische Universit ä t Darmstadt454 Universit é Joseph Fourier Grenoble011 Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble235 Karlsruhrer Institute für Technologie010 Universit à degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”000 Universit à degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”1299 Technische Universit ät Berlin100 Universit à degli Studi di Genova100 Universitat de València110 University of Liverpool131 Universit ä t Rostock 2 10 Université Paris Sud - Orsay not yet partner 31 Oxford university not yet partner 0 JUAS students 2014 from partner universities
Status 2013 from partner universities Among the present JUAS partner universities, what is the expected future for the Accelerator Physics and related students following JUAS courses? Three categories have emerged (Berlin-April-2013): a)Universities with very low probability sending students to JUAS in the near future: Berlin: the situation is complicated now that Heino is retired. The Engineering department has its own programs for Physics and does not plan to send students. Genoa: Marco precise that there is no department of Physics in Genoa, only Engineering. The willing of the University is not really to send students in others programs but to allow them to complete their degree in Genoa. Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble: The university has drastically reduced the teaching program about particle accelerator. Therefore no development is foreseen in the near future. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona: for many years no students came to JUAS. We expect that there is no specific future in the particle accelerator field. Unfortunately, we have no news from Francisco Calvino, representative of this university. b) Universities with high probability sending students to JUAS in the near future: Barcelona (UAB): the interest is still present trough ALBA project. Antoni thinks that UAB will send some students next year. Napoli: a few students should join JUAS next year.
c) Universities which sent students every year and plan to continue in the near future: Roma: each year, roughly ten students are following JUAS courses. Darmstadt: there is a strong interest in the field which will still run for the years to come. Liverpool: the interest from Liverpool is certain. The only situation there might be to manage the coexistence between JUAS and the accelerator school Liverpool has already got. Paris-Sud Orsay: a new Master degree in “Grand Instruments” should be created next year. This is an important collaboration between the University, the CEA and Soleil. KIT: the networking and international context of JUAS is a plus very attractive for KIT. Grenoble INP: a strong teaching program is on-going and each year several students are following the JUAS courses. Valencia: An important department, related to particle accelerators, at this university, is working very well. Each year, some students are coming from Valencia University. Rostock: this university has a department where particle accelerators are developing. Oxford: was not yet in the 2013 Advisory Board What is the status today ?
Professors and assistants 2014
New professors 2014
Course 1: Ricardo Bartolini (Oxford university - John Adams Institute) replaced Klaus Wille (decision took place at Advisory Board meeting in Berlin – April 2013) Dario Pellegrini (CERN) assisted Guido Sterbini for MADX tutorials Elena Benedetto (CERN) assisted Elias Metral for Longitudinal Beam tutorials Jean-Baptiste Lallement (CERN) replaced Alessandra Lombardi for Linac courses. Course 2: Davide Tommasini (CERN) assisted S. Russenschuck for Magnet courses. Paolo Ferracin (CERN) assisted M. Wilson for Superconducting magnet courses and tutorials Thomas Thuillier (LPSC) came back for Particle Sources courses Wiel Kleeven (IBA) replaced Patrick Verbruggen for Applications of accelerators courses Xavier Queralt (ALBA) replaced Paul Berkvens for Radiation safety courses
Professors / AssistantsLectureHome P. BryantIntroduction to AcceleratorsEngland H. HenkeRelativity & ElectromagnetismUniversity Berlin J.M. De ContoParticle opticsUniversity J. Fourier A. Latina / J. Resta Lopez / R. Alemany Transverse Beam DynamicsCERN G. Sterbini / D. PellegriniMADXCERN E. Métral / E. BenedettoLongitudinal Beam DynamicsCERN J.B. Lallement / V. DimovLinacsCERN Y. PapaphilippouLinear imperfections + Non linear effectsCERN M. MiglioratiSpace charge + InstabilitiesUniversity Roma R. BartoliniSynchrotron radiationsOxford University F. ChautardCyclotronsGANIL T. PerronInjection / ExtractionESRF Professors and assistants 2014 – Course 1
Professors / AssistantsLectureHome F. Caspers / S. FedermannRF engineering including superconductivityCERN P. Chiggiato / R. KersevanVacuumCERN Tommasini / RussenschuckMagnets designCERN T. Zickler / J. BaucheNormal conducting magnetsCERN M. Wilson / P. FerracinSuperconducting magnetsOxford Instruments P. ForckBeam instrumentationGSI - Darmstadt T. ThuillierParticle sourcesJ. Fourier university E. ZimochAccelerator controlPSI - Villigen W. MondelearsLow energy electron acceleratorsGent university W. KleevenAccelerators for industrial & medical appl.IBA - Belgium S. BoussonHigh current proton linacsIN2P3/IPNO - Orsay R. MiralbellTherapeutic applicationsHUG - Geneva S. MeyroneincParticle therapy and acceleratorsInstitut Curie - Paris X. QueraltRadiation safetyALBA - Barcelona Professors and assistants 2014 – Course 2
Seminars in 2014 – Course 2 Seminars in 2014 – Course 1 ProfessorsLectureHome L. RinolfiHigh energy collidersCERN / JUAS A. DegiovanniAccelerators for hadron therapyEPFL / Lausanne ProfessorsLectureHome R. LositoEffects of radiation in particle acceleratorsCERN
Overview of JUAS courses Number of professors + assistants LecturesTutorialsSeminarsTotal Course 11672 h34 h2 h108 h Course 21963 h24 h1 h88 h Visits (CERN, ESRF, PSI, HUG) Practical works at CERN Practical works at BERGOZ Grand total Course 1108 h8 h--116 h Course 288 h16 h6 h 116 h Course 1 : Sciences and Physics of Particle Accelerators Course 2 : Technology and Applications of Particle Accelerators
JUAS students in 2014
White: Master Blue: PhD Yellow: Staff (Professional) Students 2014 Female: 12 Male: 36
C1 = Course 1C2 = Course 2 Master students in 2014
C1 = Course 1 C2 = Course 2 PhD students in 2014
C1 = Course 1 C2 = Course 2 Professionals students in 2014
Overview of students status 2012 MastersPhDProfessionalsTotalPresented exam Course 1204133725 Course 2218114028 2013 MastersPhDProfessionalsTotalPresented exam Course 11320124530 Course 2129183919 2014 MastersPhDProfessionalsTotalPresented exam Course 1121933430 Course 2161053125
JUAS students 2014 by countries
2013 2012 JUAS students
Number of students considered in 2014 48 followed courses + 2 did not come ------------------------------- = 50 students in total
Presentation Course 1 Sciences & Physics of Particle Accelerators
Students JUAS 2014 – Course 1 Sciences & Physics of Particle Accelerator
Mini-workshop Coordination by Phil Bryant assisted by Riccardo Bartolini A (new) Particle Accelerator is designed by students (over 4 weeks) and results are presented by student group leaders
CMS at CERN M. Bozzo as a guide Waiting for the lift At 100 m underground Close to the detector
CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) at CERN W. Farabolini as a guide The 120 MeV Linac for the Probe Beam
ESRF at Grenoble During the presentation Inside the Main Ring with J.L. Revol as a guide
EXAMINATION There are 5 topics, each of them lasts 1.5 hour: Course 1:Course 2: * Transverse Beam Dynamics* RF * Longitudinal Beam Dynamics* Magnets * Synchrotron Radiations* Beam Instrumentation The remaining 2 exams are announced the week 4 and 9 (weeks before the exams) For each examination, all written documents are permitted and a pocket calculator. It is strictly forbidden to have an electronic device (iPhone, Portable, etc…) during the exam Each student who get an average mark of 10/ 20 (or above) could receive ECTS credits recognized by the partner Universities.
Examination results for course 1
Oral examination results for course 1
Final examination results for course 1
Presentation Course 2 Technology & Applications of Particle Accelerators
Students JUAS 2014 – Course 2 Technology & Applications of Particle Accelerator
Inside the AD LEIR CERN visits The RF cavity in the AD Inside the Linac 3 (Ions)
The source at PSI The Cyclotron at PSI The Irradiation machine at HUG PSI and HUG visits The Linac at PSI
Practical days at CERN and Bergoz
The 4 groups for the practical day at CERN
RF group Magnets group Vacuum groupSuperconductivity group Practical day at CERN
RF group Magnets group Vacuum group Superconductivity group Practical day at CERN
Practical day at BERGOZ company A. Lesjone and B. Simony with soldering irons C. Camincher Test of the Wi-Fi meter M. Bartosik with his built device in hands
Reports from students Toma Sebastian NIPNE-HH, Mǎgurele, Romania UPB, Bucharest, Romania Report Practical Works – RF Measurement Techniques JUAS 2014 The present report summarizes the practical works performed at CERN, as part of JUAS 2014, Module 2. The chosen topic was RF Engineering – RF Measurement techniques. Two methods were covered – signal inspection using a spectrum analyzer (1) and measurements using a vector analyzer (2).
Vacuum LogBook during the experiment from B. Simony
Examination results for course 2
Final examination results for course 2
JUAS certificates
JUAS certificate of examination for course 1 Each student who obtains a mark equal (or above) to 10 / 20 received such certificate
JUAS certificate of examination for course 2 Each student who obtains a mark equal (or above) to 10 / 20 received such certificate
JUAS certificate of attendance Each student who followed more than 90% of the course received such certificate
Zoom on JUAS certificate (course 1)
Zoom on JUAS certificate (course 2)
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Students passing the exam of: - Course 1 (“Physics of Accelerators”) -Course 2 (“Technology of Accelerators”) receive ECTS credits from their universities
Evaluations received from students
Evaluation proposed to the students for lectures and tutorials Notations used Requested LevelOral Presentation (Pedagogy) Written Documentation Too easy = 5 As expected = 3 Too difficult = 0 Excellent = 5 As expected = 3 Bad = 0 Excellent = 5 As expected = 3 Not acceptable = 0
Touristic excursions Optional : School books the bus, students are free during all the day ANNECY LAUSANNE LYON CHAMONIX Saturday 22 nd February Saturday 15 th February Saturday 18 th January Saturday 25 th January
The School is 20 km South of CERN CERN JUAS
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