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Nauticus Presented by: Peter Leighton Education Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "Nauticus Presented by: Peter Leighton Education Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 S.O.S. @ Nauticus Presented by: Peter Leighton Education Specialist

2 Setup and Location Currently, the sphere is in a “temporary” location. Currently, the sphere is in a “temporary” location. We are in the process of constructing a dedicated theatre for the sphere We are in the process of constructing a dedicated theatre for the sphere

3 How We Use our Sphere We run public sphere programs every day at 11:30, 1:30 and 3:30. We run public sphere programs every day at 11:30, 1:30 and 3:30. All presentations are run by one of our educators. All presentations are run by one of our educators. We do have a auto- run play list running between shows We do have a auto- run play list running between shows We also show the “Footprints” movie between programs. We also show the “Footprints” movie between programs.

4 Staff Training Procedures We start with a detailed walk through of all sphere systems. We start with a detailed walk through of all sphere systems. They are given a training packet with all the bare bones information that they need to know. They are given a training packet with all the bare bones information that they need to know. The staff person then watches a show by an experienced presenter. The staff person then watches a show by an experienced presenter. We give the educator a week to learn the basics from their training packet. We give the educator a week to learn the basics from their training packet. They are then given a written test based on the packet. They are then given a written test based on the packet. Finally, they are evaluated while doing a public program. Finally, they are evaluated while doing a public program.

5 Our 4 “Food Groups” of Programs I have divided the sphere curriculum into 4 separate groups; biology, geology, geography, and weather. I have divided the sphere curriculum into 4 separate groups; biology, geology, geography, and weather. Each group has it’s own play list on the main computer. Each group has it’s own play list on the main computer. There are also scripts that go along with each group. These scripts contain facts about each data set found in the play list. There are also scripts that go along with each group. These scripts contain facts about each data set found in the play list.

6 Our Unique Data Sets Great white shark and sea turtle migration routes. Great white shark and sea turtle migration routes. Real-time ocean temperature and weather. Real-time ocean temperature and weather. Day-night terminator. Day-night terminator. GOES satellite location and coverage. GOES satellite location and coverage. Real-time earthquake activity. (7 day loop) Real-time earthquake activity. (7 day loop)

7 Guest Interaction/Interfacing During our public programs, guests can ask to see anything on the sphere. During our public programs, guests can ask to see anything on the sphere. Between public programs, there are 5 data sets playing on auto run. We have signs as well as a plasma screen that show information which corresponds with each data set. Between public programs, there are 5 data sets playing on auto run. We have signs as well as a plasma screen that show information which corresponds with each data set.

8 Partnerships NOAA. They provide exhibits, education resources and without them, we would not have Science on a Sphere. NOAA. They provide exhibits, education resources and without them, we would not have Science on a Sphere. Hampton University. Their grad students use our sphere to do programs for Portsmouth City Public Schools for grades 6-8. Hampton University. Their grad students use our sphere to do programs for Portsmouth City Public Schools for grades 6-8. University of Wisconsin. Rick Kohrs is responsible for programming our custom data sets for our sphere. University of Wisconsin. Rick Kohrs is responsible for programming our custom data sets for our sphere.

9 School Programs Part of the Norfolk Public Schools 6 th grade field trip.(~6,000 students per year) Part of the Norfolk Public Schools 6 th grade field trip.(~6,000 students per year) Used for boy/girl scout weather badge workshops. Used for boy/girl scout weather badge workshops. Seen by almost every school group that visits Nauticus.(~25,000 students per year) Seen by almost every school group that visits Nauticus.(~25,000 students per year)

10 What’s Next for our Sphere? Fall of ’08, we will be building a brand new theatre for our sphere. Fall of ’08, we will be building a brand new theatre for our sphere. We are also creating interactive tabletop science activities that go along with the data sets we are presenting. We are also creating interactive tabletop science activities that go along with the data sets we are presenting.

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