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Slum Upgrading Portfolio Marrakech 10 November, 2005.

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1 Slum Upgrading Portfolio Marrakech 10 November, 2005

2 Slum Upgrading Portfolio Total Africa 12 Asia 14 MENA 06 LAC 17 Global 07 Total 56 56

3 Evaluation of Completed Slum Upgrading Projects 2005 Desk Evaluations  Nairobi  San Salvador  Mexico  Barrio Legal  Lagos  Phonm Penh  Salvador, Bahia  Koraat S’baa  Housing Finance for the Poor Field Evaluation  Mozambique

4 Evaluation of Completed Projects 2004 Mozambique ActivitySlum Upgrading and Vulnerability Reduction in Flood- Prone Cities and Towns Outcome  New policy approach, based on “Living with Floods”  Contribution to legislation on urban land markets  Production of knowledge tools  Follow-up activities (Maputo & Quelimane) with new partners – World Bank, EU, DANIDA, Wateraid Strength  Highly innovative and participatory outcome  Use of simple and appropriate technologies Weakness  No linkages to investment  Weak involvement of other CA partners  Extremely limited resources of Mozambican municipalities

5 Evaluation of Completed Projects 2004 San Salvador ActivityImproving the execution capacity for urban upgrading in metropolitan San Salvador Outcome  Most outcomes did not materialise  Activity became distracted with a wholly new focus on urban crime and violence Strength  Good collaboration amongst CA members  Attempt to overcome institutional confusion Weakness  Lack of a clear client/partner – activity was supply- driven  Activities were caught within government dispute  Inadequate adherence to CA criteria

6 Evaluation of Completed Projects 2004 Phnom Penh ActivityImproving land tenure fro the urban poor Outcome  Not all recommendations implemented  Influenced national housing policy, esp secure tenure  Helped clarify interpretations of land law Strength  Recommendations to promote incremental tenure, preventing price increases and displacement;  Good use of local skills Weakness  Government unwilling to take binding decisions;  Small team /consultant lacked critical mass;  Poorly integrated with CDS process

7 Evaluation of Completed Projects 2004  CWS message is gaining momentum  CA Criteria reinforced: Citywide Investment links Coherence of effort  Financial Model: Savings, Subsidy and Credit  Informal sector outperforms public / private formal  Slums remain big business – votes & rent  Evictions still a threat – fine line between consultation & coercion  Importance of flexible approaches to tenure  Still hampered by lack of urban focus in PRS / CAS / UNDAF Key Lessons – Slum Upgrading

8 Evaluation of Completed Projects 2004  Highlight costs of parallel markets created by policy failure:  Increased cost of services  Lost revenue  Premium paid by poor  Long term Governance problems  CG MEMBERS: REINFORCE NEED TO PREVENT NEW SLUMS Key Lessons – Slum Upgrading

9 Significant Emerging Initiatives  INDIA  National Urban Renew Mission  Allocation of $1bn p.a.  Set of mandatory reforms and optional reforms  Commence with City Development Plan  Initial portfolio of 60 cities  EGYPT  95% of population lives on 5% land  Additional 26 million will urbanise by 2021  Fundamental rethink of urban policy (with CDS)  WB, supported by UN-Habitat, GTZ and USAID  SOUTH AFRICA  “Breaking New Ground” upgrading policy  Consciously aims to integrate low-income communities  MoU with Banking Council to invest R42 billion by 2008  September – “Social Contract for Rapid Housing Delivery” with private sector

10 Cities Alliance Secretariat Priorities for 2006:  Systematic approach to knowledge- What works? Where? Why?  Capture innovations  Highlight cities/countries  Setting targets  Making budgetary allocations  Reforming land markets  Work programme with WB Urban Anchor  Need active involvement of CA members

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