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Welcome to Year 1 – Ichthyosaur class From Miss Mowat, Class Teacher & Lin, Teaching Assistant.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 1 – Ichthyosaur class From Miss Mowat, Class Teacher & Lin, Teaching Assistant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 1 – Ichthyosaur class From Miss Mowat, Class Teacher & Lin, Teaching Assistant

2 EYFS and Key Stage 1 We are looking forward to working closely with you all as we support your child through Year 1. Within the class the pupils are exploring and developing through the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. We have daily literacy lessons focusing on sharing, retelling and creating stories, writing lists and captions. There are also additional phonics and guided reading workshops every day. Numeracy lessons will focus on number bonds within 10, numbers to 20, patterns and shapes (2D and 3D).Pupils also have a French lesson, with Madam Sturtridge, a music session with Miss Grose and two PE sessions.

3 Days to remember Tuesday: Welly walks. These will be alternate Tuesdays initially, but we are keen to carry on Mrs Taylor’s exciting welly walks so please bring a waterproof coat with appropriate footwear. I am looking forward to learning more about Lyme with the children! Thursday and Friday: PE. Please name PE kits and include navy shorts, white t-shirt and black plimsoles. For those with pierced ears please bring tape too. Friday: Individual reading. Two books will be given out for the following week and your child will share one of the books with a member of staff or parent helper. Friday: Show and Tell. Please bring something that relates to our learning so we can all share and value your child’s comments. Every day: book bags, water bottle, coat.

4 Reading and WOWs Thank you for all the fantastic work that was put into the holiday diaries! We shared our work and have created a display of some special moments. The front of the Home-School book is for sharing WOWs and learning tasks; the back of the book is for recording reading. It is really helpful to know how your child is getting on and what interests him/her. We also want to celebrate your child’s achievements Home-school links help children to relate to learning environments both at school and at home. Learning tasks will encourage discussion and enquiry, furthering the educational dialogue between all of us.

5 Behaviour We created a class charter during the first week of term, thinking about learning environments we enjoy. We have a school focus of encouraging good manners and learning behaviour. Our class rules are: Be kind to each other (no hitting, no saying hurtful things) Listen carefully Look after our things Help each other to be happy

6 Any Questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions/issues/concerns/inform ation about your child and their education. Parent meetings will be arranged shortly. I look forward to meeting you all then!

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