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How to say where I am going on holiday. Aller = to go The infinitive – the part we look up in the dictionary!

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Presentation on theme: "How to say where I am going on holiday. Aller = to go The infinitive – the part we look up in the dictionary!"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to say where I am going on holiday

2 Aller = to go The infinitive – the part we look up in the dictionary!

3 Aller – to go Je vais – I go/ I am going Tu vas – You go / You are going Il va – He goes/ he is going Elle va – She goes/she is going On va – one goes/one is going (we)

4 Nous allons – We go/are going Vous allez – You go/are going Ils vont – they go/are going Elles vont – they go/are going Vous – groups/adult/stranger (more polite) Ils – group of boys/ boys+girls Elles – group of girls only

5 What do you notice? Je vais en France Je vais en Espagne Je vais en Ecosse Je vais au Canada Je vais au Japon Je vais aux Pays-Bas Je vais aux Etats-Unis

6 How to say I am going to + Country MASCULINE COUNTRIES Je vais + AU FEMININE COUNTRIES Je vais + EN PLURAL COUNTRIES Je vais + AUX

7 What do you notice now? Je vais à Paris Je vais à Glasgow Je vais à Edimbourg Je vais à Athenes Je vais à Berlin Je vais à Vienne

8 TOWNS/CITIES Je vais + à

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