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“About design” track Marginal notations project Advisors: Prof. Ezri Tarazi, Galit Shabo Rozin Liora Bezalel Academy, M.Des program.

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Presentation on theme: "“About design” track Marginal notations project Advisors: Prof. Ezri Tarazi, Galit Shabo Rozin Liora Bezalel Academy, M.Des program."— Presentation transcript:

1 “About design” track Marginal notations project Advisors: Prof. Ezri Tarazi, Galit Shabo Rozin Liora Bezalel Academy, M.Des program

2 “Airplane”- perception map "At the center of the scheme is a plane, to its left a fighter jet and a helicopter, to its right a song bird. In the far left corner, just right of the hot air balloon, drifts a plastic bag. The plane likes speed, routes and target. The plastic bag has a weakness for motion; she drifts easily and prefers not to commit to a schedule. Both sin the primordial sin of Hubris and believe, just like Icarus, that they can fly. Crossbreeding the two created the nylon plane.

3 Crossbreeding edges: plane + plastic bag


5 Execution: welding the edges of a plane drawn on a plastic bag


7 “Using a plastic straw, any one of us can blow life into the plane and fill it with a bit of the sin that we each hold inside."




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