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THE PARTS OF A PERSONAL COMPUTER Adrian St.Hill Faith Christian Academy Basic Computer Training August 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "THE PARTS OF A PERSONAL COMPUTER Adrian St.Hill Faith Christian Academy Basic Computer Training August 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE PARTS OF A PERSONAL COMPUTER Adrian St.Hill Faith Christian Academy Basic Computer Training August 2010

2 WHAT IS A PERSONAL COMPUTER A PC is a general-purpose tool built around a microprocessor. It has lots of different parts -- including memory, a hard disk, a modem, and more -- that work together. "General purpose" means that you can do many different things with a PC. You can use it to type documents, send e-mail, browse the Internet and play games.e-mailInternet

3 THE PC CASE The computer case will come with a mounting posts and screws used to mount the motherboard, and other devices inside the case


5 THE PARTS OF THE PC IN THE TOWER CASE Here is an example of how the parts of the pc fits in the CASE

6 WHAT IS “RAM” The Random Access Memory “RAM” is the most common computer memory which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on; an integrated circuit memory chip allows information to be stored or accessed in any order and all storage locations are equally accessible.

7 THE MOTHERBOARD MOTHERBOARD: The "heart" of your PC -- it handles system resources (IRQ lines, DMA channels, I/O locations), as well as core components like the CPU

8 VIDEO CARD This component is used to transfer data to your monitor so that it can be displayed. Today's video cards have a variety of "3D" capabilities. 3D video cards are only needed for playing games though. When playing 3D games, the video card is the most important component....

9 POWER SUPPLY: The box inside your computer that supplies it with the electricity that it needs. The Power Supply converts the house AC current to voltages the pc can handle.

10 THE PROCESSOR The processor is the brain of the PC. It executes instructions sequentially and processes data. The processor is usually divided up into the Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU), and the Control Unit.

11 THE DISPLAY UNIT OR MONITOR The monitor or display (sometimes called a visual display unit) is a piece of electrical equipment which displays images generated by devices such as computers, without producing a permanent record.

12 CONCLUSION The personal computer has become one of the greatest tools of the 20 th and 21 st century. Computes help mankind in almost everything we do.

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