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Updated 29-09-2010. 2 Today's talk should help you to understand better  what your responsibilities for this module  how you will be taught  how you.

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Presentation on theme: "Updated 29-09-2010. 2 Today's talk should help you to understand better  what your responsibilities for this module  how you will be taught  how you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Updated 29-09-2010

2 2 Today's talk should help you to understand better  what your responsibilities for this module  how you will be taught  how you will be assessed  what material will be covered  how to contact us and to communicate with other students  what you need to have done to prepare for this week’s seminar session

3 Your responsibilities What happens in … Studying Assessments What you’ll need Getting in touch with us What to do this week About this module – CO332

4 4 Each week – you should  Attend and participate in the module's lectures  Work in the practical session  Work on your own

5 5 What’s expected of you - the basics  Attendance at practical sessions  Attendance at lectures is crucial to your learning  Coursework must be submitted on-time (If you are ill or..., contact your tutor and your class supervisor. There is a form to be completed)

6 6 What’s expected of you Autumn and Spring terms  3 hours a week = two lectures, a terminal session  6 hours a week on your own – reading, doing the exercises, completing work started in the terminal sessions, working on projects, doing your assessments, revising for examination, following up on suggestions from your lecturers …

7 7 What’s expected of you the Summer term  Revise the material so that you have thoroughly learned the skills, acquired the concepts, and thought about the material –To help you, we provide access to past examination papers for this module  Successfully completing the 2-hour examination

8 Your responsibilities What happens in … Lectures, practical sessions Studying Assessments What you’ll need Getting in touch with us What to do this week About this module

9 9 Lectures?  Basic information and fundamental concepts about computing and information technology are introduced  Students listen, ask questions, give feedback  Opportunities for students to discuss  Students can prepare for lectures by reading the textbook and using on-line resources  There may be some quick written feedback or a short quiz

10 10 Among the topics covered in the lectures:  HTML, CSS  Basic interaction design  Scripting: JavaScript  Basic spreadsheet design  Database design & Basic SQL  Networks, the Internet, the web  How computers operate  How search engines work  Programming concepts  Bits & bytes  Algorithms  Social and legal issues in Information Technology  Digital representation of multimedia  The importance of software engineering  The basics of security  Limits to computation

11 11 What happens in practical sessions?  Learn by doing  Work at terminals  Some presentation about how to do various things.  Observe tutor and other students 'Practical sessions' = 'labs' = 'terminal sessions'

12 12 Among the skills covered in the practical sessions: Autumn term  Writing HTML, CSS  Writing JavaScript Spring term  Building professional Excel applications  Building Access applications

13 13 Among the skills covered in the practical sessions: Autumn term  HTML, CSS  JavaScript Spring term  Excel  Access But I’ve already done a lot of Excel (or HTML or …)

14 14 Among the skills covered in the practical sessions: Autumn term  HTML, CSS  JavaScript Spring term  Excel  Access But I’ve already done Excel (or HTML or …) Great – that will just make it easier to get to a high standard (of usability, design and professionalism)

15 15 Among the skills covered in the practical sessions: Autumn term  HTML, CSS  JavaScript Spring term  Excel  Access Oh no, I don’t know the first thing about HTML (or JavaScript or Excel or …)

16 16 Among the skills covered in the practical sessions: Autumn term  HTML, CSS  JavaScript Spring term  Excel  Access Oh no, I don’t know the first thing about HTML (or JavaScript or Excel or …) No problem. We always start out with basic exercises and coursework, before moving onto more sophisticated approaches.

17 17 Why we do what we do in CO332 ‘computer concepts and practice’  Computers and IT change rapidly, but fundamental concepts remain valid for a long time  Applications change and develop, but the skills of learning to use applications continue to be valuable  But practical and hands-on experience with current application software and current technologies are necessary to ensure that useful skills are acquired

18 Your responsibilities What happens in … Studying Assessments What you’ll need Getting in touch with us What to do this week About this module

19 19 On your own  After terminal sessions, complete any exercises that weren’t finished in the sessions  Read the textbook  Apply what you have learned to situations you know and can relate to (Make it your own)

20 20 ‘On your own’ study time  Our estimate is that you should be spending about 2 hours working on this module outside of class, for every hour you are expected to be spending in classes, lectures and seminars –that means, on average, 9 hours per week. –Some weeks more, some weeks less possibly –Some students more some students less

21 … What happens in … Studying Assessments coursework examination What you’ll need Getting in touch with us What to do this week About this module

22 22 Coursework  50% of final mark  5 coursework marks (2 due in the autumn term, 2 due in the winter term, plus one over all)  Usually there will be about three weeks from when they are set to when they are due

23 23 Coursework in the autumn term 1.Participation in classes (over the entire two terms) 2.HTML development 3.JavaScript development

24 24 Coursework in the spring term 4.Spring group project – uses what you've learned in the autumn term 5.Spreadsheet development using EXCEL

25 25 Examination  50% of your final mark  In Summer term (May or June)  You can find past examination questions on-line from the module web site

26 Your responsibilities What happens in … Studying Assessments What you’ll need Getting in touch with us What to do this week About this module

27 You'll need Access to Moodle materials Access to the textbook A log book

28 28 Our textbook for this module Fluency with Information Technology: Skills, Concepts & Capabilities (3 rd or 4 th Edition) by Lawrence Snyder Published by Addison-Wesley You will be using the textbook There are a limited number of copies in the library (10 copies of the 4 th edition and 6 copies of the 3 rd edition on ordinary loan, 3 copies on short loan, 1 copy on study loan)

29 29 A Log Book  We expect you to have a log-book that you use in your practical sessions  You should buy an appropriate one and bring it with you to each of your practical sessions  We strongly recommend that you use one also for your work on coursework

30 Your responsibilities What happens in … Studying Assessments What you’ll need Getting in touch with us What to do this week About this module

31 31 About us Yang He is the module convenor and lectures on the module. Her email is Bob Keim also lectures on the module. His email is We have offices in the Medway Building Third floor Contact us with any questions.

32 32 Module web site  Visit it regularly, since we are adding material to it all the time  From it you should be able to find out whatever you need to know 

33 33 Module forum  A place to communicate with other students and with your lecturers  It’s a good place to ask questions

34 Your responsibilities What happens in … Studying Assessments What you’ll need Getting in touch with us What to do this week About this module

35 35 This week  Lectures  Practical session (Lab): using a text- editor All this information is available from the module Moodle page. (Post something to the Module Moodle forum!)

36 36 On your own this week  Become familiar with the module’s web pages  Read chapter 5 of Snyder (Get access to the textbook – short term, library – long term purchase)

37 37 Upcoming lectures  Networks, the Internet and the Web (rgk)  html (1) (yh)

38 38

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