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Quality Presentations September 21, 2013 Circle Ten Council Office Dallas, Texas Leigh Anne LeBlanc ASM-Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Presentations September 21, 2013 Circle Ten Council Office Dallas, Texas Leigh Anne LeBlanc ASM-Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Presentations September 21, 2013 Circle Ten Council Office Dallas, Texas Leigh Anne LeBlanc ASM-Program

2 2 Objectives Know what is Expected of Each Presenter Importance of Practice and Repetition Understand Feedback Communicating Well Video What Makes a Quality Presentation Presentation Pointers

3 3 WB108 Expectations Have Fun !! Know Your Material – NO NOTE CARDS! Staff Development is a “Dress Rehearsal” Stay on Schedule Sender-Message-Receiver Look Sharp Make it Your Own But Follow the Syllabus Standard Theme with Personalization

4 4 Practice Several Times over Several Days With People With Pets In Front of A Mirror Delivery, Timing and Aids Note Cards are for Practice Only Feedback is Critical!

5 5 Feedback Is a Gift! Presentation Feedback Form Fill Every Section “You’re Great!” is not Great! Be Honest & Constructive Provide Suggestions and Alternatives Is a Gift!

6 Communicating Well Training Video

7 7 Quality Presentations Presentation style Learning method/training technique Confidence with the material 2

8 8 You Are Your Style Participants respond to YOU: –Your voice –Your body language –Your attitude –Your presentation style 3

9 9 Voice Be sure you can be heard. Use clear diction. Use the full range of your voice. Concentrate on what you’re saying now. Pause to let your audience process the information. Vary the rate of your speech. 4

10 10 Body Language Know the positive and negative gestures. Use them appropriately. Not using body language also sends a message. Spontaneous gestures convey feelings. 6

11 11 Attitude It comes through to the audience. Keeping a positive attitude about learning promotes learning. Eye contact engages the audience and strengthens the message. 5

12 12 Presentation Style The delivery style should suit the occasion and the audience. Read your audience, not your materials. Be flexible. Adjust your style; stop and clarify. Remember the 20-second rule. Evaluate your presentation to improve. 7

13 13 What Adults Retain Depending on which methods we use to learn, we retain different amounts of the information presented. Adults retain –10 percent of what they read –20 percent of what they hear –30 percent of what they see –50 percent of what they see and hear –70 percent of what they say –90 percent of what they say and do 9

14 Trainer’s Edge is on December 7, 2013 at Circle Ten Headquarters & January 4, 2014 at University of Scouting Training Techniques 10 Lecture Demonstration Reflection Learning Centers Talk Role-Play Simulation Brainstorming Discussion Case Study Buzz Group Game Trainers use a variety of techniques to encourage learning: 14

15 15 Confidence With Material Know your material – no note cards. Prepare and “fingerprint” your session. Use visual aids to: –Spark interest –Enhance learning –Facilitate learning –Increase retention Practice your presentation! 13

16 Wood Badge 108 Presentation Pointers See Handout 16

17 For teaching to be effective, learning must take place. 14 Remember to sign up for The Trainer’s EDGE December 7, 2013 or January 4, 2014! 17

18 18 Objectives Know what is Expected of Each Presenter Importance of Practice and Repetition Understand Feedback Communicating Well Video What Makes a Quality Presentation Presentation Pointers

19 Quality Presentations September 21, 2013 Circle Ten Council Office Dallas, Texas Leigh Anne LeBlanc ASM-Program

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