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Dr. Melinda Wilder Eastern Kentucky University 859-622-1476.

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1 Dr. Melinda Wilder Eastern Kentucky University 859-622-1476

2 The single overarching concept that is designed to connect learning with prior knowledge and/or experiences. Engages students. Focus on one or more realistic issues or problems. Uses a question format Reflect the content standards. Develop a Unit Organizer

3  How Does Land Use Impact Streams?  How Do Humans Impact Habitats?  How Does Coal Mining Affect the Environment?

4  Anticipate what students misconceptions/prior knowledge about your topic may be in order to design effective learning strategies.  Information  Google “Science misconceptions about _____”  EBScHost search—Science misconceptions, grade level (high school), topic (carbon cycling)

5  Science misconceptions  Children’s Misconceptions About Science:  Recurring Science Misconceptions in K-6 Textbooks:  SamCATS Science Misconceptions:  Earth Science Misconceptions:  Science Misconceptions: misconceptions.html misconceptions.html  Science Misconceptions:  Misconceptions in Science:  Physics Resource Page: m m

6  Next Generation Science Standards  A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices,Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas   Example  Core Idea ESS3: Earth and Human Activity  ESS3.A: Natural Resources  ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems  OR  Combined Curriculum Document 4.1  OR  Other States—appropriate state standards  School requirements and implementation

7  Address the topic.  Can be taught within the allotted time.  Will be assessed.  Are grade level and developmentally appropriate.

8 Guide instruction and learning. Narrow the focus of the learning by breaking the content into logical, sequenced parts for instruction. Encourage higher order thinking and promote inquiry. Can not be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”. Are written in student friendly language.

9  Organizer: How do Humans Affect Habitat?  What are the basic needs of an organism?  How does an organism’s habitat help it meet its basic needs?  Organizer: How is geometry useful in describing the trees around us?  How can the diameter and height of a tree be useful in determining the quantity of lumber in that tree?

10  Essential Questions Engage students, promote critical or abstract thinking, and have to potential to have more than one right answer

11 Materials list— A list of all the materials including quantity needed May want to list this by day Resource List A list of at least 10 resources that can be used by teachers and students throughout the unit, including several types of media (multiple forms), web sites, objects, and text In APA bibliographic format

12  Assesses all targeted standards  Demonstrate critical thinking skills  Demonstrate learning in different ways  Allow for diverse needs of students

13 Community/ school service projects Debate Diorama Dramatic presentation Multimedia Presentations Photo/picture journal or essay Transactive writing piece Web page

14  Designed to evaluate your summative/end of unit assessment  Questions for consideration  What do we want students to know and be able to do?  How well do we want them to know it and be able to do it?  How will we know when they know it or do it well?

15  How do the learning experiences  Address individual student needs?  Support active learning?  Promote critical thinking skills?  Address student interest and motivation  Consider the perspectives of the learner?  Include varied and rigorous experiences?

16 DayEssential Question Learning Targets/Objec tives (Keyed to Standards) Instructional Strategies Assessment (Types of assessment list --Summative or Formative)

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