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Higher Media Studies Production Unit Module 3: Development Lesson 5: Budgets and Breakdowns.

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1 Higher Media Studies Production Unit Module 3: Development Lesson 5: Budgets and Breakdowns

2 Budgets  All films, from tiny shorts, to mega- blockbusters, need someone to plan the budget and make sure that it is not wasted.  Budgets can range from £50 to £100 million.  The best films don’t always have the biggest budgets.

3 Sample budget from low-budget feature film Writer & Story26,000.00 Producer & Director2,500.00 Cast5,000.00 Production Staff48,000.00 Camera Crew & Equipment21,000.00 Set Design/Production Design19,000.00 Set Building/Construction0.00 Electrical15,000.00 Props6,500.00 Costume9,000.00 Make-Up & Hair4,500.00 Locations55,000.00 Post-Production Picture & Sound45,000.00 Contingency approx 10.00%26,000.00 TOTAL £282,500.00

4 Sample from short film Writer & Story5,000.00 Producer & Director1,000.00 Cast4,000.00 Production Staff2,500.00 Camera Crew & Equipment10,000.00 Set Design/Production Design1,00.00 Set Building/Construction0.00 Electrical2,000.00 Props500.00 Costume400.00 Make-Up & Hair500.00 Locations2,000.00 Post-Production Picture & Sound10,000.00 Contingency approx 10.00%Approx 3,000.00 TOTAL approx £40,000.00

5 How do we get these figures?  The producer and a production manager will breakdown the script and look at every single item in it for a cost.  Actors, lights, locations, director, type of camera…all these will be considered.

6 Features of Low Budget Films  Use of real locations: no need to have expensive construction or studios.  New (or very old) actors who are not stars.  Low use of special or visual effects.  Traditional dramatic story.  Strong use of characters and actors performance to sell film.  May use 16mm film: lower price than 35mm.  Or may use digital film: no processing costs, easier to combine picture and sound at final stages.

7 Putting it simply…  Each scene will be read carefully and broken down to its constituent parts.  Each part will be given a price.  When added together, the film will have its budget

8 Try breaking scene 48 down… 48.EXT CHURCH DAY The congregation spill out, the young ones running. The woman continues to pray alone. After the release from the boredom the children are manic. Two middle aged men in hats collect money in large St Vincent de Paul boxes. PADDY and his father come out. HUGH puts a coin in the box then lights a cigarette. People get on bicycles and ride away. PADDY stares ahead waiting for the WOMAN. She comes out. PADDY reaches up to tell HUGH an important secret - what he thinks he saw in the WOMAN’s Hen-House yesterday. HUGH stares, looks at the boy, raises an eyebrow, inhales and blows out the smoke. The figure of the PRIEST in clerical black hurries past. HUGH steps forward. The WOMAN stares hard at PADDY. HUGH Excuse me, Father. Could I have a word. They talk with bowed heads and look after the WOMAN.

9 Scene 48 Cast membersExtras Greenery Stunts Set-DressingProps Costumes Vehicles NotesSpecial EffectsSpecial Equipment Make-up

10 Try your own breakdown  With the script extract and breakdown sheet provided, let’s see if you can: 1. Get a list of all the required elements 2. Try to find prices for these elements

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