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National Aeronautics and Space Administration Telecine High Definition Film Transfer NASA/JSC February 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "National Aeronautics and Space Administration Telecine High Definition Film Transfer NASA/JSC February 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Telecine High Definition Film Transfer NASA/JSC February 2009

2 National Aeronautics and Space Administration 2 Background  JSC Multimedia Repositories house over 9 million feet (app. 4000 hours) of 16mm motion picture film, 1959-1995.  Flight Film: preserved in cold vault below freezing  Institutional Film: kept at 70 F / 50% rH, early stages of vinegar syndrome (content includes astronaut training, spacecraft and facilities manufacture and testing, mission control activities, splashdown, VIP events, etc.)  Preservation efforts in past two years have focused on Institutional film.  Re-canned and moved most originals/master prints into a cold vault at 45 F / 45% rH.  Established telecine operation to transfer films to DPX files.  New database: physical inventory, workflow for tracking film transfers, indexed content and scanned original scenelists

3 National Aeronautics and Space Administration 3 Actions  NASA/JSC has built-up the capability for preserving the imagery on our 16mm and 35mm institutional motion picture film collection. A telecine (scanner) film chain system was installed that can transfer the film to various digital formats.  The film will be transferred to a digital tape format for archiving and to other formats for improved accessibility and operational and production uses.

4 National Aeronautics and Space Administration 4

5 5 RGB Mag Follower Audio SAN DPX Control & Color correction Bravo Server Proxy Files Production tapes Hard-drive products Disk products Telecine LTO4 Tape Drives TAR Lustre Image processing tools Routing layers Repository Video Tape Recorders File Chain System Architecture File based Work Flow

6 National Aeronautics and Space Administration 6 Standards We are participating in the activities of the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative. ANSI/SMPTE 268M Digital Picture Exchange (DPX) ANSI/IEEE 1003.1 Section 10 Data Interchange Format (TAR - tape archive) SMPTE RP 189 - Organization of DPX Files on TAR Tapes

7 National Aeronautics and Space Administration 7 Basic Features and Specifications Scanner - FilmSys Nova Telecine 16 mm/35 mm film, optical and mag track audio. Output - 10 bit uncompressed 4:4:4 RGB DPX (1920 x 1080) DPX Embedded Audio Autodesk Lustre color correction (as needed) Digital tape formats - LTO-4, HDCAM SR, DVCPro HD, Digital Betacam. Digital file format - MPEG 2 (DVD in production, Blu-Ray under construction). Other formats upon request.

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