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› METPEX Brussels, 10 th September 2015 01.11.2012, Hamm Christopher Irwin,// EUROPEAN PASSENGERS‘ FEDERATION // The PASSENGERS’ PERSPECTIVE.

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Presentation on theme: "› METPEX Brussels, 10 th September 2015 01.11.2012, Hamm Christopher Irwin,// EUROPEAN PASSENGERS‘ FEDERATION // The PASSENGERS’ PERSPECTIVE."— Presentation transcript:

1 › METPEX Brussels, 10 th September 2015 01.11.2012, Hamm Christopher Irwin,// EUROPEAN PASSENGERS‘ FEDERATION // The PASSENGERS’ PERSPECTIVE IN PUBLIC TRANSPORT– What are the real needs?

2 › EPF MAP January 2015 34 member organisations 20 countries

3 › A UK perspective Established by Parliament to represent rail, bus & coach and tram passengers and users of the England’s strategic road network Mission: get the best deal for users Evidence-led: annual research spend of c. €3m More than 110,000 passengers surveyed annually

4 › METPEX’s recognition of the possessive plural: The passengers’ perspectives, not the passenger’s perspectives METPEX’s recognition of the possessive plural: The passengers’ perspectives, not the passenger’s perspectives Many markets, not one market

5 › 60% reduction in emissions and oil-dependency by 2050 No ‘conventionally-fuelled’ vehicles in urban areas by 2050 Cut road’s share of longer-distance freight to less than half Majority of medium distance passenger journeys to rail 60% reduction in emissions and oil-dependency by 2050 No ‘conventionally-fuelled’ vehicles in urban areas by 2050 Cut road’s share of longer-distance freight to less than half Majority of medium distance passenger journeys to rail The ambition of the 2011 Transport White Paper

6 › Modal shift: an enormous challenge

7 › Wider health impacts of transport: x8 more lethal than accidents Worsening congestion costs: = 1.5% GDP by 2050 Pressure on urban space: 1 bus = 20 cars Wider health impacts of transport: x8 more lethal than accidents Worsening congestion costs: = 1.5% GDP by 2050 Pressure on urban space: 1 bus = 20 cars The pressure is getting greater

8 › ‘Command economy’ approach no longer credible therefore ‘Distress purchase’ or Making public transport the mode of choice ‘Command economy’ approach no longer credible therefore ‘Distress purchase’ or Making public transport the mode of choice The business context

9 › EU CONSUMER MARKETS SCOREBOARD, 2014 Satisfaction with services : meeting expectations “To what extent did the service offered live up to what you wanted?”

10 › Demand-led approach: Understand users’ needs Recognise that necessary investment requires electoral support End-user satisfaction the key measure Demand-led approach: Understand users’ needs Recognise that necessary investment requires electoral support End-user satisfaction the key measure The way ahead

11 › Understanding Users’ Needs Special Eurobarometer 382a, 2013

12 › Understanding Users’ Needs Special Eurobarometer 382b, 2013

13 › National Passenger Surveys: 33 key factors reported; analysing drivers Value for money of the ticket, driven by: Reliability Ability to get a seat at preferred travelling time Handling of disruption (usable information) Safety (assumed) But Different groups of passengers have different views On-line survey analysis facility: il-passengers-priorities-simulator-2014014 National Passenger Surveys: 33 key factors reported; analysing drivers Value for money of the ticket, driven by: Reliability Ability to get a seat at preferred travelling time Handling of disruption (usable information) Safety (assumed) But Different groups of passengers have different views On-line survey analysis facility: il-passengers-priorities-simulator-2014014 Passengers’ priorities: the UK experience

14 › The virtuous circle Quality Satisfied users Modal shift Political support Funding

15 › How do you launch a Moonshot? The underlying challenge

16 › Thank you for your attention!

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