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Resource mediation internals The mediator can decide which resource provider(s) to allocate for a resource request This can be based on  resource cost.

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Presentation on theme: "Resource mediation internals The mediator can decide which resource provider(s) to allocate for a resource request This can be based on  resource cost."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resource mediation internals The mediator can decide which resource provider(s) to allocate for a resource request This can be based on  resource cost  resource utilization  etc both mediators and resource providers have their own policies for allocating resources

2 Resource mediation internals Mediator manages resource providers Mediator Resource providers Amount: 5 Price: 10 Amount: 10 Price: 5 Amount: 100 Price: 15

3 Resource mediation internals If a request can be handled by a single resource provider, that provider can be assigned to handle the request  In the next example, the cheapest provider is selected by the mediator

4 Resource mediation internals Mediator selects cheapest resource Mediator Resource providers Amount: 5 Price: 10 Amount: 10 Price: 5 Amount: 100 Price: 15 1. Request 3. mediator offer 2. Selected resource

5 Resource mediation internals If possible, resources can be combined  In this example, the offers of two small (cheap) providers are combined

6 Resource mediation internals Mediator aggregates resources Mediator Resource providers Amount: 5 Price: 10 Amount: 10 Price: 5 Amount: 100 Price: 15 1. Request 2. Partial offer 3. Aggregated offer 2. Partial offer

7 Demonstration: Energy Domain Simulation that models the energy market  Agents need energy  Resource providers offer energy Mediator(s) offer resources to agents  Combines small resources for offer if needed The demonstration shows a number of agents (buying) & resource providers (selling) energy

8 Demonstration (simulation) Providers and consumers can be configured dynamically to influence the simulation Energy provider's configuration:  Production capacity  Pricing strategy Energy consumer's configuration:  Energy demand  Pricing strategy

9 Demonstration (simulation) Demand Max Price Obtained Balance 20 5 87% -$2000 Agent window(s) Agents have different strategies for accepting offers and determining the maximum amount it can spend Resource provider window Production 1000 Price 7 Sold Balance 87% +$50000 Resource managers try to sell most of their energy by continuously adapting the asking price, but also try to make a profit as large as possible. mediation mediator(s) select resource managers for requests Each simulated round, agents try to buy energy through their mediator(s) The parameters for agents & resources can be adapted at run time Also agents and resource providers can dynamically adapt their prices

10 Buyer agents All agents in simulation buy energy on every round Mediator selects best resource offer(s) Agents try to minimize costs by selecting cheapest offer Agents can also refuse offers that are too expensive (prototype)

11 Resource providers Producers try to prevent overproduction Dynamically adapt pricing according to demand (prototype)

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