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Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework.

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Presentation on theme: "Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework

2 Implementing the QCAR Framework A whole-school approach to improving learning Workshop 2

3 Workshop aims To support a whole-school approach to implementing the QCAR Framework To highlight ways in which the QCAR Framework can be used to improve student learning

4 The five components of the QCAR Framework Essential Learningsclarify what to teach Standardsprovide a common language to describe student achievement Assessment Bankprovides online access to a collection of quality assessments and resources Queensland Comparable Assessment Tasks (QCATs) in Years 4, 6 and 9 provide evidence of what students know, understand and can do, and support consistency of teacher judgments Guidelines for Reportingsupport consistency of reporting

5 The QCAR Framework: supporting learning

6 Past Schools provide access to education for all students The changing role of schools Current Schools provide access to high standards of education for all students Globalisation and ICTs

7 Characteristics of effective teaching High expectations of student achievement Engaged learning time Focused teaching Hill and Crevola (1999)

8 Design elements for improving student learning Hill and Crevola (1997)

9 Implementing the QCAR Framework: a whole-school approach What are the potential benefits for your school? How can it support the three characteristics of effective teaching? How can the design elements for improving learning support your school’s implementation of the QCAR Framework?

10 Scenario How can components of the QCAR Framework support the school to improve student learning?

11 Reflect, discuss, plan: design elements Hill and Crevola (1997)

12 Planning for implementation of the QCAR Framework in your school Who will be involved? What will need to be organised? When does this need to happen?

13 More information on the QCAR Framework Website: Email:

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