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Workshop On STRATEGY FOR PROVIDING ATMOSPHERIC INFORMATION Planning to Exploit our National Investment in Weather Technology December 3 - 5, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop On STRATEGY FOR PROVIDING ATMOSPHERIC INFORMATION Planning to Exploit our National Investment in Weather Technology December 3 - 5, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop On STRATEGY FOR PROVIDING ATMOSPHERIC INFORMATION Planning to Exploit our National Investment in Weather Technology December 3 - 5, 2001

2 STRATEGY FOR PROVIDING ATMOSPHERIC INFORMATION Samuel P. Williamson Federal Coordinator Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research Samuel P. Williamson Federal Coordinator Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research INTRODUCTION

3 WELCOME! STRATEGY FOR PROVIDING ATMOSPHERIC INFORMATION December 3 - 5, 2001 Crowne Plaza Washington National Airport Crystal City, Virginia Sponsored by The Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (OFCM)


5 WHY WE ARE HERE National Research Council published The Atmospheric Sciences Entering the Twenty-First Century Report: –Among the report’s leadership and management recommendations was one calling on OFCM to "lead a thorough examination of the issues that arise as the national system for providing atmospheric information becomes more distributed...and....develop a strategic plan.” November 2001: Meeting of Federal Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (FCMSSR) –Endorsed Workshops on SAI and Effective Emergency Response National Research Council published The Atmospheric Sciences Entering the Twenty-First Century Report: –Among the report’s leadership and management recommendations was one calling on OFCM to "lead a thorough examination of the issues that arise as the national system for providing atmospheric information becomes more distributed...and....develop a strategic plan.” November 2001: Meeting of Federal Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (FCMSSR) –Endorsed Workshops on SAI and Effective Emergency Response

6 To ensure the effective use of federal meteorological resources by leading the systematic coordination of operational weather requirements and services, and supporting research, among the federal agencies. OFCM PRIMER Who is OFCM? Mission

7 Federal Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (FCMSSR) Interdepartmental Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (ICMSSR) Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Standing Committees Program Councils National Space Weather Program Committee for Space Weather National Aviation Weather Program Committee for Aviation Services and Research Environmental Services, Operations, and Research Needs Operational Processing Centers Environmental Information Systems and Communications Integrated Observing Systems Climate Monitoring and Services Cooperative Research OFCM PRIMER Coordinating Infrastructure

8 Provide a framework for developing a strategy leading to an optimal 21 st Century national atmospheric information system Overarching goal is to: WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES

9 Introduce and define the issue of providing atmospheric information in an evolving, decentralized national system Consider atmospheric information issues in the context of a wide spectrum of meteorological disciplines or areas of application Explore collection and distribution methodologies and related issues focused on making atmospheric information more universally available Introduce and define the issue of providing atmospheric information in an evolving, decentralized national system Consider atmospheric information issues in the context of a wide spectrum of meteorological disciplines or areas of application Explore collection and distribution methodologies and related issues focused on making atmospheric information more universally available Objectives of this workshop are to: WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES

10 Investigate the application of standards, formats, and other mechanisms as agents for making atmospheric information more universally useful Propose a coordination methodology for use in developing a strategy for providing atmospheric information Investigate the application of standards, formats, and other mechanisms as agents for making atmospheric information more universally useful Propose a coordination methodology for use in developing a strategy for providing atmospheric information Objectives of this workshop are to: WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES

11 Environmental support requirements for Homeland Security Potential access and security constraints on operational information Environmental support requirements for Homeland Security Potential access and security constraints on operational information Additional Considerations: WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES

12 AGENDA Today Introduction: Welcome/Objectives: Mr. Samuel P. Williamson, Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Keynote: Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere/Deputy Under Secretary The Charge from BASC: Prof. John A. Dutton, Dean, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Pennsylvania State University

13 AGENDA Today Introduction: Perspectives: Dr. Eric Barron, Chairman, National Academy of Sciences Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Dr. Richard Spinrad, Technical Director, Oceanographer of the Navy Brigadier General David L. Johnson, Director of Weather, U.S. Air Force

14 Panel 1:Collection and Distribution of Weather Information - Part 1 Moderator: Dr. Elbert W. (Joe) Friday, Jr., Director, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Discussion Topic #1: Roles and responsibilities for observing, collection, and distribution systems Discussion Topic #2: Free and open access to data/information AGENDA Today

15 Lunch (Provided) Panel 1, Part 1 Discussion Panel 1:Collection and Distribution of Weather Information - Part 2 Moderator: Ms. Linda Miller, External Liaison, UCAR/UNIDATA AGENDA Today

16 Reception/Mixer (5:15 PM) AGENDA Today

17 AGENDA Tomorrow Late Registration and Continental Breakfast (7:30 AM) Administrative Remarks and Opening Perspectives: Mr. Thomas N. Pyke, Chief Information Officer, Department of Commerce Panel 2: Interoperability and Compatibility Moderator: Mr. Carl Bullock, Chief, Modernization Division, Forecast Systems Laboratory

18 AGENDA Tomorrow Lunch (12:00 noon - on your own) Breakout Session #1: Handling Atmospheric Information in Some Key Meteorological Disciplines (1:30 PM) Breakout Session #2: Interoperability, Compatibility, and Accessibility Adjourn for the day (5:00 PM)

19 AGENDA Wednesday Continental Breakfast (7:30 AM) Administrative Remarks Plenary: Synthesis Closing Remarks Adjourn (12:00 noon)

20 Proceedings of Workshop Strategy SUMMARY The Way Ahead December 3-5, 2001 Planning to Exploit our National Investment in Weather Technology Plan of Actions and Milestones Continued Strong Partnerships & Alliances Follow-on Working Level Sessions + Strategy for Providing Atmospheric Information

21 WORKSHOP ON EFFECTIVE EMERGENCY RESPONSE Selecting a Suitable Dispersion Model for a Given Application DECEMBER 5 - 6, 2001 Selecting a Suitable Dispersion Model for a Given Application Effective Emergency Response FOLLOW ON SESSION

22 Define a framework for supporting the objective determination of the most appropriate dispersion model to be used in a given situation Overarching goal is to: WORKSHOP ON EFFECTIVE EMERGENCY RESPONSE

23 Select categories to be used for screening dispersion models for application in a given scenario Develop appropriate criteria within the selected categories to be used for objective screening of models Introduce processes and discuss critical issues relating to model evaluation Select categories to be used for screening dispersion models for application in a given scenario Develop appropriate criteria within the selected categories to be used for objective screening of models Introduce processes and discuss critical issues relating to model evaluation Objectives of this workshop are to: WORKSHOP ON EFFECTIVE EMERGENCY RESPONSE

24 ADMINISTRATIVE REMARKS Floor Plan Phones Rest Rooms Registration Arlington Ballroom Elevators Dining Room

25 ! This forum is being audio recorded to aid in the development of the summaries to appear in the proceedings. Audio tapes will NOT be made available or distributed! ADMINISTRATIVE REMARKS

26 Presentations and other material will be available on the OFCM web site shortly after the forum Click on “Special Projects” and navigate to the Strategy for Providing Atmospheric Information section PRESENTATION AVAILABILITY ADMINISTRATIVE REMARKS

27 Keynote VADM Conrad Lautenbacher, USN (Ret.), Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere

28 Keynote Mr. Scott B. Gudes, Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere/Deputy Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere

29 INTRODUCTION The Charge from BASC: Prof. John A. Dutton, Dean, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Pennsylvania State University

30 INTRODUCTION Perspectives: Dr. Eric Barron, Chairman, National Academy of Sciences Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate

31 INTRODUCTION Perspectives: Dr. Richard Spinrad, Technical Director, Oceanographer of the Navy

32 INTRODUCTION Perspectives: Brigadier General David L. Johnson, Director of Weather, U.S. Air Force

33 INTRODUCTION Panel 1, Part 1: Moderator: Dr. Elbert W. (Joe) Friday, Jr., Director, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Panel 1: Collection and Distribution of Weather Information - Part 1

34 INTRODUCTION Panel 1, Part 2: Moderator: Ms. Linda Miller, External Liaison, UCAR/UNIDATA Panel 1: Collection and Distribution of Weather Information - Part 2

35 Perspectives Tom Pyke Chief Information Officer U.S. Department of Commerce NEED PIC

36 INTRODUCTION Panel 2: Moderator: Mr. Carl Bullock, Chief, Modernization Division, Forecast Systems Laboratory Panel 2: Interoperability and Compatibility

37 Back up slides

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