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DRJI Directory of Research Journals Indexing Presenter: Elnaz Faraji, Kowsar Corp.

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Presentation on theme: "DRJI Directory of Research Journals Indexing Presenter: Elnaz Faraji, Kowsar Corp."— Presentation transcript:

1 DRJI Directory of Research Journals Indexing Presenter: Elnaz Faraji, Kowsar Corp.

2 Elnaz Faraji, Kowsar Corp. Introduction Directory of Research Journal Indexing(DRJI) is one of the world's most voluminous search engines especially for academic open access web resources. Directory of Research Journal Indexing is a digital collection of education research and information. Each DRJI record contains bibliographic data (title, author, ISSN or ISBN, publisher information, etc.) and an abstract. If made available by the publisher, DRJI includes links to the full text or the publisher's site.

3 Elnaz Faraji, Kowsar Corp. Main Proposes 1.Increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby their increased usage and impact. 2. Supply champion has access to global-renowned content in all discipline areas including magazine and journal articles. We advocate, educate, and provide the central resource for indexing. 3. Encourages the participation of all persons, groups, and organizations interested in indexing and related methods of information.

4 Elnaz Faraji, Kowsar Corp. Aims Increase your e-journal content usage through the power of DRJI. Increase knowledge of the value of high-quality indexing. Access educational resources that enable you to fulfill indexing accomplishment. Support index standards for indexers, editors, and abstractors. Collaborate with other professional organizations in information science. Reach new publishers, subscribers, and researchers. Expand the approachability of your website through links in the DRJI bibliographic record. Increase presentation to an international audience.

5 Elnaz Faraji, Kowsar Corp. Content Coverage DRJI only include research related journal articles. Journal registration and indexing are FREE OF COST. We encourage publishers to let their customers know that their journal is indexed in DRJI. Some publishers include the notation or Logo Indexed in DRJI on their Web sites, with a link to the DRJI Web site: DRJI launches its new concept of ranking of journals known as "DRJI Value." Its just ranking of journals based on several article publishing techniques which is helpful for improvisation of journals and also article publishing quality and technique. Its just the value indicating journals presence in publication world. IT IS NOT IMPACT FACTOR. It is the value within DRJI database.



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