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0 Application for Officer Position Future Second Year Students 2011-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "0 Application for Officer Position Future Second Year Students 2011-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 0 Application for Officer Position Future Second Year Students 2011-2012

2 1 Club Mission Ensure that Duke's MBA Students: Improve their preparation and gain access to increased career opportunities within premier consulting firms as well as international and niche consulting.

3 2 Why should you consider joining the Cabinet as an Officer? As an Officer you will: Create your legacy getting Fuqua branded as a top consulting school globally Work in an open, entrepreneurial and challenging environment Deliver value to your fellow students and incoming class of 2013 Gain visibility and unique networking opportunities with consulting firms and Duke organizations Develop your leadership skills by working with other passionate 2 nd years and leading FY project teams

4 3 Requirements & General Information Are you willing to commit to the following club requirements (Yes/No): a)Schedule at least 20 mock interviews for FY/SY through the club portal b)Attend all weekly club meetings (Day/Time = TBD) Estimated time commitment (hours/week): Please specify how many hours/week you are willing to commit for club activities and meetings. Other leadership / extra-curricular commitments (hours/week): Please list total hours/ week committed to other extra-curricular activities What do you plan to achieve personally by being an Officer? Choose the two responsibilities (or ideas) you are most interested in and craft a separate activity plan for each responsibility (see templates)

5 4 Activity 1 Action: Please mention what you see yourself doing within the cabinet to achieve the club’s mission (Note: This could be an innovative idea or an existing activity) Plan: How will you execute your plan? (include a detail project plan, timeline etc)

6 5 Activity 2 Action: Please mention what you see yourself doing within the cabinet to achieve the club’s mission (Note: This could be an innovative idea or an existing activity) Plan: How will you execute your plan? (include a detail project plan, timeline etc)

7 6 Responsibility Interest Form Please rank your top 5 preferences for responsibilities and “X” those responsibilities that you have no interest in. This will be used for planning purposes and not the final determination of DMCC Cabinet roles.

8 7 Application Process Next steps Create a short PowerPoint Deck with responses to Requirements, Activities. Submit by midnight on March 22nd (Tuesday) send your application to –Give the file the following title: Firstname_Lastname_DMCC_Cabinet Interview invites will be sent by March 27th (Sunday) Decisions made and communicated by April 3rd (Sunday) If you have any questions, please contact Gabe Rodrigues or Anuj Patel Thank you for your time and interest !!!

9 8 Officer Cabinet Application Suggested Templates

10 9 Title – 24 – Arial Black – Bold Sub title – 20 – Arial black – not Bold Aim for 16 font text (14 is the minimum) First bullet –Second bullet General Club Template

11 10 Columns template Header Text –Text Text –Text Text –Text Text –Text Header Text –Text Text –Text Text –Text Text –Text Header Text –Text Text –Text Text –Text Text –Text Header Text –Text Text –Text Text –Text Text –Text Columns Template

12 11 Agenda Brief Outline of Symposium day Event Time Career Fair & breakfast Opportunity for students to meet company representatives one-on-one Keynote Address by Accenture An introduction to consulting in the global environment Panel Discussions Three rotating breakouts sessions on current topics of interest to students. See next slides for details Networking Lunch Casual and “shuffled” setting to answer questions students have about a specific firm or the consulting industry Energy Consulting Panel Transition into the Energy Symposium. The panel is designed to discuss current trends in energy industry and how consulting plays a role in it 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM 9:00 AM – 9:40 AM 9:50 AM – 10:25 AM 10:35 AM – 11:10 AM 11:20 AM – 11:55 AM 12:00 Noon – 1:00 PM 2:00 PM – 2:50 PM Day Schedule template

13 12 Sponsorship packages Cross comparison Feature / benefit Consulting Symposium Keynote Address Banner placement at the Symposium venue Dedicated page/blog on the club website Logo on all marketing materials Assigned Sponsor Advocate (SY Cabinet Officer) Customizable website message and link Pick at the high impact, high visibility club events Logo on selective marketing materials and website Participation in Symposium panels Promotional support for SIPs, workshops, talks, etc. Opportunity for company tailored specific events Preferential event scheduling & participation (e.g. week-in-cities, Mock Interview week) Platinum Gold Silver Comparison Template

14 13 Timeline of Club events Suggested interaction opportunities for sponsors* 123412 3 41 2 34123412341234123412341234 Student Activities Fair Club resource orientation & kickoff CWS1**: What is case interview/competition PowWows: Weekly club sponsored lunches CWS2: Observe a case/Internship search Caroline Ale House Social: Speed Casing CWS3: Observe a case/give feedback Consulting Symposium CWS4: Case Competitions Consulting Admissions Super Saturday CWS5: Frameworks overview CWS6: Frameworks overview CWS7: Frameworks overview CWS8: Frameworks overview Consulting FY Mock Interview Weekend CWS9: Frameworks overview Blue Devil Weekend Activities Fair Consulting Internship Social & strategy Sep Event OctNovDecJanFebMarAprAug Selected events. See calendar for complete list of Fuqua wide Consulting related activities **Club Workshop The Club would be willing to work with you on any other workshops/events that you would like to conduct Symposium & orientation Informal Club Events Formal Club Events Events Timeline Template

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