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What does frequency mean

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1 What does frequency mean
What does frequency mean? Create your own sentence using the word frequency.

2 Review: Definitions Gene- Allele- Homozygous- Heterozygous- Recessive-

3 Defintions Gene- section of DNA that codes for a protein. Comes in two forms Allele- One copy of a gene. Could be dominant or recessive Homozygous- Two of the same alleles (TT or tt) Heterozygous- Two different alleles (Tt) Recessive- an allele that is masked by a dominant trait. You must have two copies to express the trait Dominant-An allele that is always expressed even if you only have one copy.

4 Relative frequency of alleles: The number of times a particular allele occurs in a gene pool
In a population of 100 slugs, there are 50 yellow slugs (YY), 35 yellow-brown (YB), and 15 brown slugs (BB).

5 For Y, there are 50+50+35= 135 Y alleles.
Remember: in a population of 100 slugs, there are: 50 yellows (YY), 35 yellowish-browns (YB), and 15 browns (BB). To figure out relative frequencies, we must see how many times the alleles for Y and B occur in our population. There are 100 slugs. Each has two alleles for color. That means there are 200 alleles total. For Y, there are = 135 Y alleles. Divide 135/200=.675 x100 = 67.5%! Do the same thing for B. You should get…

6 = 65 B alleles 65/200=.325 x 100 = 32.5%! So, we have a relative frequency of 67.5% for the Y allele and 32.5% for the B allele. Let’s say that a species of frog started to eat these slugs. The yellow ones were much easier for the frogs to see! What might happen? If the relative frequencies change, EVOLUTION has occurred!

7 Exit Ticket If 10 people in a population have blonde hair and all ten of those people are homozygous, what is the allele frequency of the blonde allele if the population has a total of 100 people?

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