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Bringing science to bear on coastal decision-making Waves of Change September 4, 2003 David Keeley Maine State Planning Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing science to bear on coastal decision-making Waves of Change September 4, 2003 David Keeley Maine State Planning Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing science to bear on coastal decision-making Waves of Change September 4, 2003 David Keeley Maine State Planning Office

2 Issue: Society is expecting informed and science-based decision-making  Population pressures cause us to live closer together;  Resources are more finite;  Decision-making needs to be more precise

3 Today’s Themes  Coastal Management Vignettes  Science to Management Needs  New Tools for the Coastal Ocean

4 Setting a National Context -- Patterns of Development in Maine: 1940 - 2050

5 Part 1 - Coastal Management Vignettes: Bringing science to bear  Coastal Dredging – regional & local  Public Access to the Shoreline  Marine Protected Areas  Working Waterfronts  Commercial Fisheries  Coastal Water Quality & Shellfish

6 Coastal Dredging – regional ports  National security, jobs & economic development  Channel maintenance  Side-scan sonar, shoals, buoys & redeployment

7 Coastal Dredging – local ports  Dredging tidal inlets (e.g., sand budgets, marshes and the sand on adjacent beaches. Beach nourishment/use of dredged materials  Long-term impacts to beaches and dunes from repeated maintenance dredging.

8 Access to the Shoreline  Changing land ownership patterns  Socio-economic research (e.g. user surveys, willingness to pay)  Environmental research (carrying capacity)

9 Marine Protected Areas  Effect of dragging on the ocean floor and species  5-year moratorium & call for science and traditional knowledge  Report to Legislature

10 Working Waterfronts  Public & private access for commercial fishing is diminishing & calls for action  Socio-economic research to preserve working waterfront property

11 Commercial Fisheries  Available species data & information impedes sound decision-making  Inshore trawl survey & emerging fisheries research

12 Coastal Water Quality & Shellfish  Bacteria levels exceed standards  Identify specific sources (humans, wildlife, etc.)  Targeted management responses (efficiency, priority)

13 Part Two: Science to management needs  Improved dissemination of existing knowledge and research;  Research on priority coastal & ocean management issues;  Translation of scientific results into information managers can use;  Building the capacity of local, state and federal managers to manage

14 Disseminating science  We are not fully capitalizing on previous investments in coastal and marine science  Work with funders, libraries and others to harness the information age

15 Investing in new research  Local, state and federal coastal managers need to better articulate their leading management issues and corresponding research needs  Sponsors of research (State and federal agencies, industry, foundations) need to integrate these needs into their funding programs

16 Turning data into information  Managers and scientists need to work collaboratively to synthesize data into information & create products of value to managers and decision- makers

17 Building capacity (teaching them to fish vs. fishing for them)  Local and state managers need to routinely invest in themselves  Existing mechanisms need to be reinforced  National estuary, coastal, ocean programs need to place a premium on capacity building

18 Part Three: Investing in new tools for coastal ocean management  National effort to strengthen the monitoring of coastal ocean trends and conditions  Ocean Commission priority on more informed decision-making & making the required investment  Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System (GoMOOS) -- as an example

19 Coastal Ocean Observing Purpose -- Facilitate safe and efficient marine operations, ensure national security, ensure sustainable food supply, manage ecosystems, mitigate natural hazards, and protect public health.

20 Critical Elements  Buoys & other sensors in the water  Land-based radar  Satellites  Modeling  Ships of opportunity Analysis, synthesis, & products

21 Why make this investment?  To provide data and information that serve public and private sector needs to: Solve practical problems, Predict events, Increase public awareness, Further understand natural systems A Coastal Oceanic Analog of… …the National Weather Service

22 User Needs & Payback  Mariners – safety, rescue  Shipping – safety & efficiency  Mammals – endangered species assessment  Aquaculture – site selection & water quality  Lobster fishing – recruitment prediction  Petroleum Industry – spill response  Shellfishing – spat collection, site selection  Military – national security, operations test bed  Coastal Management – eutrophication  Commercial & Sport Fishing – stock assessments  Research – long-term observations, infrastructure

23 Ocean Observing Summary  It will inspire and facilitate research  Users will justify the investment  Users need a 24/7 operational system that provides useful, timely information…and drives research  GoMOOS cost/benefit: $(3/30)M/year  A national OOS will only come to pass if Congress hears the same request from all regions!

24 Closing  Coastal states have many issues in common & a history of cooperation  We understand why & how science can be better applied to coastal management issues & the benefits  We need a consistent and firm statement from the Governors to the Ocean Commission on this matter

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