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Questions 158-165 Preservation & Protection Confirmation Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Questions 158-165 Preservation & Protection Confirmation Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Questions 158-165 Preservation & Protection Confirmation Class


3 Aim: What does God our heavenly Father do to take care of us?

4 What does God do to preserve us?

5 Psalm 145:15, 16 - FOOD


7 What does God do to preserve us? Psalm 145:15, 16 Luke 12:28 - FOOD - CLOTHES


9 What does God do to preserve us? Psalm 145:15, 16 Luke 12:28 2 Corinthians 9:8 - FOOD - CLOTHES - ALL THE TIME



12 What does God do to preserve us? Psalm 145:15, 16 Luke 12:28 2 Corinthians 9:8 Truth #1: - FOOD - CLOTHES - ALL THE TIME God preserves us by providing food, clothes, and all that we need for each day.

13 How does God provide for us? 1 Kings 17:5, 6 - MIRACLES


15 How does God provide for us? 1 Kings 17:5, 6 Psalm 104:14 - MIRACLES - NATURAL MEANS


17 How does God provide for us? 1 Kings 17:5, 6 Psalm 104:14 *Deuteronomy 8:17, 18 - MIRACLES - NATURAL MEANS - GIVES US ABILITY TO WORK


19 How does God provide for us? 1 Kings 17:5, 6 Psalm 104:14 *Deuteronomy 8:17, 18 - MIRACLES - NATURAL MEANS - GIVES US ABILITY TO WORK God usually provides for us through natural means like giving us the ability to work but he can also provide for us by miracles. Truth #2:

20 What else does God do to preserve us? Psalm 32:7 - PROTECTS US


22 What else does God do to preserve us? Psalm 32:7 Psalm 91:10-12 - PROTECTS US - ANGELS


24 What else does God do to preserve us? Psalm 32:7 Psalm 91:10-12 Hebrews 1:14 - PROTECTS US - ANGELS - SPIRITS THAT ARE GOD’S SERVANTS



27 What else does God do to preserve us? Psalm 32:7 Psalm 91:10-12 Hebrews 1:14 *Romans 8:28 - PROTECTS US - ANGELS - SPIRITS THAT ARE GOD’S SERVANTS - GOD WORKS EVERYTHING FOR OUR GOOD




31 What else does God do to preserve us? Psalm 32:7 Psalm 91:10-12 Hebrews 1:14 *Romans 8:28 Truth #3: God preserves us when he uses his angels to protect and rescue us from harm and works out all things for my good. - PROTECTS US - ANGELS - SPIRITS THAT ARE GOD’S SERVANTS - GOD WORKS EVERYTHING FOR OUR GOOD God preserves us by using his angels to protect and rescue us from harm, and by working out all things for our good.

32 Why does God preserve us? Genesis 32:10 - UNDESERVED KINDNESS

33 Happy Birthday!

34 Why does God preserve us? Genesis 32:10 Psalm 106:1 - UNDESERVED KINDNESS - PRAISE & GIVE THANKS


36 Why does God preserve us? Genesis 32:10 Psalm 106:1 Deuteronomy 10:12 - UNDESERVED KINDNESS - PRAISE & GIVE THANKS - OBEY & SERVE


38 Why does God preserve us? Genesis 32:10 Psalm 106:1 Deuteronomy 10:12 - UNDESERVED KINDNESS - PRAISE & GIVE THANKS - OBEY & SERVE Out of his kindness God preserves us so that we can thankfully serve and obey him. Truth #4:

39 Aim: What does God our heavenly Father do to take care of us? SUMMARY: God the Father preserves us by providing all we need for life and by protecting us from trouble so that we will serve him joyfully. God the Father preserves us by providing all we need for life and by protecting us from trouble so that we will serve him joyfully.

40 Preservation = Providence Protection &

41 God Provides Food and Drink Clothing and Shoes Every Day By making things grow

42 God Protects by… Sending angels to guard us, Watching over us, TroubleGood Delivering us from trouble, Making trouble turn out for our good.

43 God takes care of us… NOT because we did something for which he repays us, because we are worthy, only out of his mercy. NOT BUT

44 GOD So we respond by… thanking praising serving and obeying

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