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Strategy #8. Empowerment and Decentralization Decentralization – participation of people in making the decisions that matter to them. Centralized Decentralized.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategy #8. Empowerment and Decentralization Decentralization – participation of people in making the decisions that matter to them. Centralized Decentralized."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategy #8

2 Empowerment and Decentralization Decentralization – participation of people in making the decisions that matter to them. Centralized Decentralized Type of Decision- making System Centralized Hierarchies Loose Hierarchies DemocraciesMarkets Examples Traditional military organizations Consulting firms, Research universities Political democracies, corporate shareholder meetings Free markets. The Internet, Firm internal markets

3 Causes of Decentralization Malone claims this is a current trend, that centralized hierarchical businesses are declining and decentralized organizations are on the rise Cost of communication IT enabled economies of scale for small businesses

4 Historical Advantages of Large Organizations (1800 – 1970) Economies of scale Specialization of labor Communication costs

5 Centralization for Business Organizations Coordination advantages of hierarchies circa 1900 – 1950 Coordination advantages were enabled by communication and transportation infrastructure Coordination and uncertainty – the cost of physical buffers versus the cost of information

6 Benefits of Decentralization Benefits of decision-making autonomy for the organization – motivation, creativity, and flexibility which lead to economic benefit Freedom and individualization  work satisfaction

7 Implementation of IT-Enabled Business Change Failure rate for IT implementation Necessity of achieving business change along with IT change How often is resistance the problem?

8 Assessing Risk (Leadership) Leader commitment to the business case Leader understanding of the extent of work change Formal motivation and goal alignment Leader formal power Leader experience Leader information power

9 Assessing Risk (Employee) Embrace with enthusiasm Follow orders Follow others Wait and see Resist Sabotage

10 Assessing Risk (Project scope and urgency) Is the scope of the project wide? Is the change scope deep and severe? Is there urgency? What is its effect?

11 Risk Mitigation Mitigation is often a problem because it often comes too late Failure to recognize that implementation has implications beyond the ‘technology’ can also result in failing to identify appropriate mitigation

12 Project Management Adjustment Authoritative –Big Bang –Top-down Coordination Participative –Guided Evolution –Improvisation

13 Success Factors for ERP Implementation Top management engagement Project leaders are veterans, team members are decision makers Third parties fill gaps in expertise Change management goes hand-in-hand with project management A satisficing mindset prevails

14 Understanding Implementation How should implementation be studied? –By studying implementation acceptance –By studying implementation resistance Most academic work in IS studies implementation acceptance

15 Definitions of Acceptance and Resistance Acceptance – the act of receiving IT use willingly (Saga and Zmud 1994). Resistance – action or intentional inaction that opposes or sidesteps the implementation of new information technology.

16 Resistance Tactics

17 Change in Resistance over Time As alternative forms of resistance are prohibited, different forms may be tried –Voice  Work around  Sabotage or Exit –Voice  Work around  Grudging acceptance. Resistance may be constructive and disappear if reasonable suggestions are heeded.

18 Passive Resistance How frequently do passive forms of resistance manifest? Problem of passive resistance when your study is aimed at understanding acceptance. Effectiveness of passive resistance. Passive resistance and plausible deniability.

19 Mandatory vs. Voluntary Usage Degree of acceptance makes sense for voluntary systems. Does resistance to voluntary systems make sense? For mandatory systems, how would grudging acceptance be classified?

20 System Implementation (From Acceptance Viewpoint) Resistance Type ActivePassive Success Failure Rebel (1) Coup (4) Mutiny (2) Subversive (3) Resistance Can Be Contagious ILLUSORY SUCCESS

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