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1 Data Mining Chapter 3 Output: Knowledge Representation Kirk Scott.

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1 1 Data Mining Chapter 3 Output: Knowledge Representation Kirk Scott

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8 Introduction 8

9 Deciding what kind of output you want is the first step towards picking a mining algorithm The section headings for this set of overheads are given on the following overhead They summarize the choices of output type available from standard data mining algorithms 9

10 3.1 Tables 3.2 Linear Models (regression equations) 3.3 Trees (decision trees) 3.4 Rules (rule sets) 3.5 Instance-Based Representation 3.6 Clusters 10

11 3.1 Tables 11

12 Output can be in the form of tables This is quite straightforward and simple Instances can be organized to form a lookup table for classification The contact lens data can be viewed in this way 12

13 In effect, the idea is that organized instances are a representation of the structure of the data At the end of the chapter the book will consider another way in which the instance set itself is pretty much the result of mining 13

14 3.2 Linear Models 14

15 For problems with numeric attributes you can apply statistical methods The computer performance example was given earlier The methods will be given in more detail in chapter 4 The statistical approach can be illustrated graphically 15

16 Fitting a Line (a Regression Equation) This would be a linear equation relating cache size to computer performance PRP = 37.06 + 2.47 CACH This defines the straight line that best fits the instances in the data set Figure 3.1, on the following overhead, shows both the data points and the line 16

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18 Finding a Boundary A different technique will find a linear decision boundary This linear equation in petal length and petal width will separate instances of Iris setosa and Iris versicolor 2.0 – 0.5 PETAL_LENGTH – 0.8 PETAL_WIDTH = 0 18

19 An instance of Iris setosa should give a value >0 (above/to the right of the line) and an instance of Iris versicolor should give a value <0 Figure 3.2, on the following overhead, shows the boundary line and the instances of the two kinds of Iris 19

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21 It should be noted that the iris data set gives an amazingly clean separation of clusters or classifications in this way In that sense, it is both ideal and kind of artificial In practice, separations are not always so clear-cut 21

22 3.3 Trees 22

23 Recall the different kinds of data: 1. Nominal 2. Ordinal 3. Interval 4. Ratio In trees, essentially, a decision is made at each node based on the value of a single attribute 23

24 The book summarizes the different kinds of decisions (<, =, etc.) that might be coded the different kinds of data Most of the possible comparisons are apparent for the different kinds of data types and will not be repeated here Several more noteworthy aspects will be addressed on the following overheads 24

25 Null Values A given instance in a data set may have a null value for one of its attributes The basic logic of a decision tree is that at some node in the tree it will be necessary to branch depending on the value of that attribute You can’t ignore the null value when developing a decision tree or applying it 25

26 The occurrence of a null value may be treated as one individual branch of several out of a decision tree node At this point it becomes apparent that it is useful if null can be assigned a more specific meaning like not available, not applicable, not important… If this is possible, it is desirable 26

27 If it’s not possible to assign a meaning to nulls, then it’s necessary to have a an approach to dealing with them when analyzing the data and making the tree One simple approach: Keep track of the number of instances that fall in each branch coming out of a node, and classify nulls with the most popular branch 27

28 Another, potentially better approach: Keep track of the relative frequency of different branches In the aggregate results, assign a corresponding proportion of the nulls to the different branches 28

29 Neither of these approaches specifies what to do with a data item that contains nulls when applying the decision tree But they both are designed to make sure that when analyzing the data, each data item is taken into account, and the goal is to assign the proper “weight” to each branch based on the count of items that fall in that branch 29

30 Other Kinds of Comparisons Simple decisions compare attribute values and constants Some decisions may compare two attributes in the same instance Some decisions may be based on a function of >1 attribute per instance 30

31 Oblique Splits Comparing an attribute to a constant splits data parallel to an axis A decision function which doesn’t split parallel to an axis is called an oblique split The boundary between the kinds of irises shown earlier is such a split Visually, it was oblique, not parallel The split was along a line, but the line had its own location and slope in the plane 31

32 Option Nodes A single node with alternative splits on different attributes is called an option node This is not terribly difficult, but it is a step further in the direction of complexity To me it seems like a clear-cut case of making up rules of thumb to handle special cases because the straightforward approach doesn’t seem to be working well in practice 32

33 The idea is this: You reach a level in the tree and you have a node where you could classify according the value of one attribute or another Rather than deterministically deciding to do the classification on one or the other, you do it on both attributes 33

34 This is the obvious end result: Instances end up being put in more than one branch Or if you’re at the bottom of the tree, instances may appear in >1 leaf classification The last part of analysis includes deciding what such results indicate 34

35 In other words, you’re using a half-baked rule of thumb when making a decision at a node Now you need a rule of thumb to decide where the multiply-classified instance actually belongs The solution (as is often the case) may be based on counting the relative frequency of instances in the different classifications 35

36 Weka and Hand-Made Decision Trees The book suggests that you can get a handle on decision trees by making one yourself The book illustrates how Weka includes tools for doing this To me this seems out of place until chapter 11 when Weka is introduced I will not cover it here 36

37 Regression Trees The general discussion of trees centers on classification—categorization at each node based on attribute values For a problem with numeric attributes it’s possible to devise a tree-like classifier that gives numeric results This is called a regression tree (which is kind of a misnomer, since no regression may be involved) 37

38 The upper nodes in the tree still work like before—essentially classification Because the attributes of the instances are numeric, the internal nodes contain numeric comparisons of attribute values As a result of working through the tree, certain instances end up in each leaf 38

39 The instances in each leaf may not have exactly the same value for the numeric dependent variable The prediction value assigned to any instance placed there will be the average of all instances placed there 39

40 Stated in terms of the performance example, the leaves contain the performance prediction The prediction is the average of the performance of all instances that end up classified in that leaf 40

41 Model Trees A model tree is a hybrid of a decision tree and regression (as opposed to the regression tree, which doesn’t involve regression…) In a model tree, instances are classified into a given leaf Then the prediction is made by applying a linear equation to some subset of instance attribute values 41

42 Figure 3.4, shown on the overhead following the next one, shows (a) a linear model, (b) a regression tree, and (c) a model tree In the trees the leaves show the predicted value (and the number of instances/percent of instances in the leaf) The linear model is simple 42

43 The regression tree is complex, but when you calculate the error, it is much better than the linear model This tells you that the data is not really linear The model tree is effectively a piece-wise linear model Different equations are right in different regions of the data space 43

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45 Rule Sets from Trees Given a decision tree, you can generate a corresponding set of rules Start at the root and trace the path to each leaf, recording the conditions at each node The rules in such a set are independent Each covers a separate case 45

46 The rules don’t have to be applied in a particular order The downside is such a rule set is more complex than an ordered set It is possible to prune a set derived from a tree to remove redundancy 46

47 Trees from Rule Sets Given a rule set, you can generate a decision tree Now we’re interested in going in the opposite direction Even a relatively simple rule set can lead to a messy tree 47

48 A rule set may compactly represent a limited number of explicitly known cases The other cases may be implicit in the rule set The implicit cases have to be spelled out in the tree 48

49 An Example Take this situation for example: There are 4 independent binary (yes/no) variables, a, b, c, d There is a fourth, independent binary classification variable, x (classify x or not x) 49

50 Take this as the rule set for example: If a and b then x If c and d then x With 4 variables, a, b, c, and d, there can be up to 4 levels in the tree A tree for this problem is shown in Figure 3.5 on the following overhead 50

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52 Messiness = Replicated Subtrees The point is that the tree is messy compared to the rule set In two compact statements, the rule set tells what we know (in a positive sense) The outcome of all other cases (the negative cases) is implicit 52

53 The tree is messy because it contains replicated subtrees Starting at the top, you make a decision based on a If a = no, you then have to test c and d If a = yes and b = no, you have to do exactly the same test on c and d 53

54 There are two c nodes The sub-trees on the lower left and on the right branch from them These sub-trees are completely analogous They are replicated sub-trees 54

55 The book states that “decision trees cannot easily express the disjunction implied among the different rules in a set.” Translation: The rule set could be more completely stated in this way: If a and b OR if c and d 55

56 The first part of the rule deals only with a and b The other rule is disjoint from the first rule; it deals only with b and c If a is no, you have to test c and d Also, if b is no, you have to test c and d This leads to replicated branches in the tree representation 56

57 Another Example of Replicated Sub-trees Figure 3.6, on the following overhead, illustrates an exclusive or (XOR) function 57

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59 Consider the graphical representation of XOR shown on the left: (x = 1) XOR (y = 1)  a Incidentally, note that you could also write: (x <> y)  a, (x = y)  b The two cases fall on the two diagonals of the graphical representation XOR is the case where x <> y 59

60 Now consider the tree: There’s nothing surprising: First test x, then test y The gray leaves on the left and the right at the bottom are analogous Now consider the rule set: In this example the rule set is not simpler This doesn’t negate the fact that the tree has replication 60

61 Yet Another Example of a Replicated Sub-tree Consider Figure 3.7, shown on the following overhead 61

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63 In this example there are again 4 attributes This time they are 3-valued instead of binary There are 2 disjoint rules, each including 2 of the variables There is a default rule for all other cases 63

64 The replication is represented in the diagram in this way: Each gray triangle stands for an instance of the complete sub-tree on the lower left which is shown in gray 64

65 The rule set would be equally complex IF there were a rule for each branch of the tree It is less complex in this example because of the default rule 65

66 Other Issues with Rule Sets If you generate rules from trees, the rules will be mutually exclusive and consistent We have not seen the data mining algorithms yet, but some do not generate rule sets in a way analogous to reading all of the cases off of a decision tree Rule sets may be generated that contain conflicting rules that classify specific cases into different categories 66

67 Conflicting rules can exist in sets that have to be applied in a specified order—where the order of application makes the conflict apparent rather than real Conflicting rules can also exist in sets where the order is not specified In this case, you have to have a rule of thumb for dealing with this 67

68 Rule Sets that Produce Multiple Classifications In practice you can take two approaches: Simply do not classify instances that fall into >1 category Or, count how many times each rule is triggered by a training set and use the most popular of the classification rules when two conflict (In effect, you’re throwing one of the rules out) 68

69 Rule Sets that Don’t Classify Certain Cases If a rule set doesn’t classify certain cases, there are again two alternatives: Do not classify those instances Classify those instances with the most frequently occurring instances 69

70 The Simplest Case with Rule Sets Suppose all variables are Boolean I.e., suppose rules only have two possible outcomes, T/F Suppose only rules with T outcomes are expressed (By definition, all unexpressed cases are F) 70

71 Under the foregoing assumptions: The rules are independent The order of applying the rules is immaterial The outcome is deterministic There is no ambiguity 71

72 Reality is More Complex In practice, there can be ambiguity The authors state that the assumption that there are only two cases, T/F, and only T is expressed, is a form of closed world assumption In other words, the assumption is that everything is binary 72

73 As soon as this and any other simplifying assumptions are relaxed, things become messier In other words, rules become dependent, the order of application matters, etc. This is when you can arrive at multiple classifications or no classifications from a rule set 73

74 Association Rules This subsection is largely repetition Any subset of attributes may predict any other subset of attributes Association rules are really just a generalization or superset of classification rules 74

75 This is the explanation: This is the form of a classification rule: (all non-class attributes)  (class attribute) This is just one of many rules of this form: (one or more non-class attributes)  (class attribute or one or more attributes in general) 75

76 Support and Confidence (Again) Support = proportion of instances where the protasis occurs Confidence = proportion of instances where the apodosis occurs with the protasis 76

77 Terminology (Again) In general, the book uses the term Coverage = Support The book seems to define coverage somewhat differently in this section Ignore what the book says and let coverage = support In general, the book uses the term Accuracy = Confidence 77

78 Interesting Rules Because so many association rules are possible, you need criteria for defining interesting ones Association Rules are considered interesting if: They exceed some threshold for support They exceed some threshold for confidence 78

79 Relative Strength of Association Rules An association rule that implies another association rule is stronger than the rule it implies The stronger rule should be reported It is not necessary to report the weaker rule(s) The book illustrates this idea with a concrete weather example It will be presented below in general form 79

80 An Example of an Association Rule Implying Another Let Rule 1 be given as shown below Rule 1: If A = 1 and B = 0 Then X = 0 and Y = 1 Suppose that Rule 1 meets thresholds for support and confidence so that it’s considered interesting 80

81 Now consider Rule 2: Rule 2: If A = 1 and B = 0 Then X = 0 The protasis is the same as for Rule 1 It applies to the same cases as Rule 1 Therefore it has the same level of support 81

82 Rule 1 has a compound conclusion: Then X = 0 and Y = 1 Rule 2 has a single conclusion: Then X = 0 Rule 2’s conclusion is less restrictive than Rule 1’s conclusion It can be true in no fewer cases than Rule 1’s conclusion 82

83 This means the confidence for Rule 2 can be no less than the confidence for Rule 1 This means that Rule 2 meets the confidence criterion for an interesting rule However, by the same token, it is clear that Rule 1 subsumes Rule 2 83

84 Or you could say that Rule 1 implies Rule 2 [ (Rule 1)  (Rule 2) ] But Rule 2 doesn’t imply Rule 1 (If they both implied each other, they would be the same rule) 84

85 The end result of this: Rule 1 is the stronger rule Therefore, when reporting association rules, Rule 1 should be reported but Rule 2 and Rule 3 should not be reported 85

86 Note that this example could also give another, analogous illustration Rule 1 could also be said to imply a Rule 3: Rule 3: If A = 1 and B = 0 Then Y = 1 Rule 1 is also stronger than Rule 3, so you still only need to report Rule 1 86

87 The conclusion to this is really kind of simple Association rule mining may generate many different rules If there are multiple rules with the same protasis, just make one rule, gathering together all of the respective apodoses and combining them with conjunction 87

88 Rules with Exceptions A data set may be mined for rules New instances may arrive which the rule set doesn’t correctly classify The new instances can be handled by adding “exceptions” to the rules 88

89 Adding exceptions has this advantage: It is not necessary to re-do the mining and make wholesale changes to the existing rule set Logically, it’s not so clear what it means to mine rules but then say that they have exceptions How many exceptions are needed before the rule itself is negated?... 89

90 The Iris Exception Example The book illustrates exceptions with a new instance for the iris data set In Figure 3.8, the amended rules are expressed in terms of default cases, exceptions, and if/else rules Comments will follow 90

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92 It seems to me that this presentation of information as default followed by exception could be expressed in another way To me it would make more sense to say: If ‘exception’ then y Else default If find the expressions as given using defaults hard to understand 92

93 The book observes that exceptions may be “psychologically”, if not logically preferable The use of exceptions may better mirror how human beings model the situation It may even reflect the thinking of an informed expert more closely than a re- done set of rules 93

94 More Expressive Rules Simple rules compare attributes with constants Possibly more powerful rules may compare attributes with other attributes Recall the decision boundary example, giving a linear equation in x and y Also recall the XOR example where the condition of interest could be summarized as x <> y 94

95 Geometric Figures Example The book illustrates the idea with the concept of geometric figures standing up or lying down, as shown in Figure 3.9 on the following overhead Comparing attributes with fixed values might work for a given data set However, in general, the problem involves comparing width and height attributes of instances 95

96 Figure 3.9 96

97 Dealing with Attribute-Attribute Comparisons It may be computationally expensive for an algorithm to compare instance attributes Preprocessing data for input may include hardcoding the comparison as an attribute itself Note how this implies that the user already understands the relationship between attributes in the first place 97

98 Inductive Logic Programming This subsection is really just about terminology The tasks getHeight() and getWidth() could be functionalized Composite geometric figures could be defined 98

99 Recursive rules could be defined for determining whether composite figures were lying or standing This branch of data mining is called inductive logic programming It will not be pursued further 99

100 3.5 Instance-Based Representation Recall that the general topic of this chapter is “output” of data mining Recall that in the first subsection the output was a table of the data in organized, or sorted form The underlying idea is that the data set is itself, somehow, the result of the mining 100

101 The scenario now is that you don’t start with an accumulated training set (table) of data Instead, data items arrive one-by-one, and you mine the data, i.e., try to classify it, for example, on the fly The end result should be a data set that where each item has been assigned to a class 101

102 There is a category of data mining algorithms that is based on the concept of a nearest neighbor For each new instance that arrives, find its nearest neighbor in the set and classify it accordingly 102

103 In practice, these kinds of algorithms usually find the k nearest neighbors They include a scheme for picking the class, like the majority class of the k nearest neighbors 103

104 Prerequisites for Mining in this Way You need to define distance in the space of the n attributes of the instances Potentially you need to normalize or weight the individual attributes In general, you need to know which attributes are important in the problem domain In short, the existing data set should already contain correct classifications 104

105 Comparing a new instance with all existing instances is generally too expensive This is how come the subset of the k nearest existing neighbors is used when classifying new instances 105

106 Instance-Based Methods and Structural Representation Instance-based methods don’t immediately appear to provide a structural representation, like a rule set However, taken together, the different parts of the process form a representation The training subset, distance metric, and nearest neighbor rule define boundaries in n-space between instances 106

107 In effect, this forms a structural representation analogous to something seen before: You fall on one side or the other of a decision boundary in space 107

108 Figure 3.10, on the following overhead, illustrates some related ideas They are discussed after the figure is presented 108

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110 Figure 3.10 (a): This shows the decision boundaries between two instances and the rest of the data set Figure 3.10 (b): This illustrates how you may only need a subset of the data set in order to form the boundaries if the algorithm is based purely on nearest neighbor considerations 110

111 Figure 3.10 (c): This shows that in practice the classification neighborhoods will be simplified to rectangular areas in space Figure 3.10 (d): This illustrates the idea that you can have donut shaped classes, with one class’s instances completely contained within another’s 111

112 3.6 Clusters Clustering is not the classification of individual instances It is the partitioning of the space The book illustrates the ideas with Figure 3.11, shown on the following overhead This is followed by brief explanatory comments 112

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114 Figure 3.11 (a): This shows mutually exclusive partitions or classes Figure 3.11 (b): This shows that instances may be classified in >1 cluster Figure 3.11 (c): This shows that the assignment of an instance to a cluster may be probabilistic Figure 3.11 (d): A dendrogram is a technique for showing hierarchical relationships among clusters 114

115 The End 115

116 You can ignore the following overheads They’re just stored here for future reference They were not included in the current version of the presentation of chapter 3 116

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