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Program of Activities Snohomish High School. Successful Organizations have one thing in common. They understand that success is the result of planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Program of Activities Snohomish High School. Successful Organizations have one thing in common. They understand that success is the result of planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Program of Activities Snohomish High School

2 Successful Organizations have one thing in common. They understand that success is the result of planning and then carrying out those plans.

3 Why have a Program of Activities (POA)? A well-planned and well- executed program of activities can help develop leadership and planning skills.

4 Why have a Program of Activities (POA)? A well-developed POA serves many purposes. –Defines organization goals –outlines steps needed to meet those goals

5 Why have a Program of Activities (POA)? –Creates a calendar of events –ensures that activities meet the needs of the members –provides direction from year to year –creates a workable budget

6 Why have a Program of Activities (POA)? –Provides experience in planning –serves as a reference point throughout the year.

7 Why have a Program of Activities (POA)? The key to a good POA is getting everyone involved in planning and carrying out the activities. Member involvement is essential.

8 How Is A POA Organized? Each chapter builds its POA around three major areas, or Standing Committees: –Student Development –Chapter Development –Community Development

9 Student Development Activities that promote: –Leadership Activities –Healthy Lifestyles –Student Projects –Scholarship –Career Skills

10 Chapter Development Includes: –Chapter Recruitment –Financial Activities –Public Relations –Leadership Workshops –Support Groups

11 Community Development Community activities that promote: –improved economic welfare –environmental conditions –human resources (ex.:PALS) –citizenship and involvement –agricultural awareness

12 Types of Committees The types of committees include: –Standing Committees –Executive Committees –Special Committees

13 Standing Committees usually function all year long and conduct activities that take place every year. Standing Committees should have at least three and not more than eight members.

14 Executive Committees usually consist of the organization’s officers. In some organizations, standing committee chairpersons also serve on the Executive Committee.

15 Organization officers coordinate the overall activities of the organization. Normally officers do not, and probably should not, serve as committee chairpersons. This provides other members with leadership opportunities.

16 Special Committees organize events that do not occur every year. A special committee lasts only until the specific event is completed.



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