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What is Leadership?  The skill or ability to encourage people to work together and achieve common goals  Leader—an individual who leads or guides others;

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Presentation on theme: "What is Leadership?  The skill or ability to encourage people to work together and achieve common goals  Leader—an individual who leads or guides others;"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Leadership?  The skill or ability to encourage people to work together and achieve common goals  Leader—an individual who leads or guides others; is in charge or command of others

3 Leaders  Leaders are not born  Develop by their own efforts  Have the ability to inspire others  Promote positive changes  Anyone can learn to be a leader  In a group, everyone who makes a contribution can be considered a leader

4 Common Characteristics of Leaders  Respects the rights, opinions and abilities of others  Understands the principles of democracy  Guides the group toward a goal  Displays self-confidence and is willing to take a stand  Communicates effectively  Shows willingness to work

5 More Characteristics of Leaders  Completes tasks  Shows optimism  Is open-minded and can compromise  Praises others and gives credit to others  Is dedicated to meeting high standards

6 How are Leaders Classified?  Leaders are classified as one of three types  Classification is based on how they perform their leadership skills

7 Democratic Leader  Encourages participation of all individuals in decisions made or problems solved  Listens to the opinions of others and then bases decisions on what is best for the group as a whole  By guiding the group to a decision, the leader allows the group to take responsibility for the solution

8 Laissez-faire Leader  More informal type of leader  Believes in noninterference  Will strive for minimal rules  Allows individuals to function in an independent manner with little or no direction  Almost has a “hands off” policy  Usually avoids making decisions until forced to do so

9 Autocratic Leader  Often called a dictator  Maintains total rule  Makes all of the decisions  Has difficulty delegating or sharing duties  Seldom asks the opinions of others  Emphasizes discipline  Expects others to follow directions at all times  Individuals follow this leader because of a fear of punishment or extreme loyalty

10 Summary  All types of leadership have advantages and disadvantages  In some situations an autocratic leader may be beneficial  The democratic leader is considered most effective for groups  One of the most important things for a group leader is to respect the rights and opinions of others

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