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Park Slope Chapter’s PARK SLOPE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH EVENT Photos by Kaila Rachel. Montage by Ruth Shapiro Champagne and Dessert Reception June.

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Presentation on theme: "Park Slope Chapter’s PARK SLOPE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH EVENT Photos by Kaila Rachel. Montage by Ruth Shapiro Champagne and Dessert Reception June."— Presentation transcript:

1 Park Slope Chapter’s PARK SLOPE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH EVENT Photos by Kaila Rachel. Montage by Ruth Shapiro Champagne and Dessert Reception June 16, 2015

2 GOALS To bring in new members to the chapter Bring in “$” from the event PLAN Make it an easy decision to come to the event Create a relaxed, informal and inviting environment Educate attendees about Hadassah with speakers and Q & A Provide opportunity for attendees enjoy food & schmooze Region would support the outreach with some revenue share. STRATEGY Make event free for members who bring potential new members Invite At-Large Members Find “Angels” to sponsor the event & hold a raffle Provide speakers to inform prospective new members about the many facets of Hadassah. Serve champagne and desserts and engage guests welcoming conversation following speakers PARK SLOPE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH EVENT

3 Champagne & Dessert Garden Party This is a new member recruitment event. You already know how special Park Slope Hadassah is. Introduce us to a friend. Hear Florence Manglani discuss her life as a Jewish girl in India. Bring a non-member guest, and you both attend for FREE. We’ll serve Champagne and Dessert, and explain what Hadassah is all about. In addition, Florence Manglani will talk about Hadassah International. Tuesday, June 16, 2015 - 7:00 PM At the lovely home of Marion Lipton $18 for members who attend without a guest. Questions? call Ethel at (718) 382-6454 The Flyer

4 PARK SLOPE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH EVENT Change in plan… We held the event inside! We planned, G-d laughed! It rained all day

5 PARK SLOPE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH EVENT Sarina Roffé, Chapter President, welcomed guests, thanked our hostess Marion Lipton, Guest Speaker, Florence Manglani. She described the chapter as having wonderful women who are very welcoming and supportive of each other. She explained that it is a very active chapter that holds many interesting, informative, and fun events throughout the year. Sarina encouraged all the new people to join and become part of the Park Slope Hadassah family.

6 Standing in for Region President Janet Young, was Barbara Katz, Past Park Slope Chapter President and Brooklyn Region’s Executive Vice President. She spoke about Hadassah National events, the upcoming Hadassah business meeting, and Region events. Barbara explained that many Park Slope members just like her, have gone on to hold important positions in the larger Hadassah organization. There is a place for everyone in Hadassah! PARK SLOPE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH EVENT

7 Park Slope Chapter and Brooklyn Region’s Hadassah International Chair Florence Maglani, spoke about her life growing up as a Jewish girl in India. Her story was fascinating and provided many details about life there, how the Jews lived and the three types of Jews in India. She spoke of going to Catholic school and how her Jewish learning came from the home. Florence also described the difference between the Indian caste system and the class system, which is different. Class having to do with religion and economic status and caste only pertaining to Hindus. She described the synagogue and how her father was a shokhet, killing chickens, and her job as his assistant. Florence was peppered with questions, which she answered with ease. We could have asked questions and listened to her all night. PARK SLOPE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH EVENT

8 Gail Hammerman, Past Park Slope Co-President, Past Brooklyn Region President, and current Metro Resource Chair invited everyone to attend the upcoming Metro Area Symposium on October 25 th. PARK SLOPE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH EVENT

9 Ethel Gold, Immediate Past Park Slope Chapter President and current Brooklyn Region Fundraising Vice President, who was instrumental in organizing the evening, talked about Hadassah’s “Mission”, and the many programs we hold for members to attend throughout the year. She gave a Hadassah update on current medical research going on right now. She shared many ways Hadassah works for tikkun olam. PARK SLOPE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH EVENT

10 Caryn Tanditash, Co-Membership Vice President for Park Slope and Brooklyn Region, shared the many benefits of a Hadassah Membership. She discussed the 2015 Gifting Campaign which will run from July 1, 2015 to Dec 31, 2015. Life members and associates will be able to gift a free annual membership to individuals who are 17 years of age or older and who have not been Hadassah members since 2013. She spoke to may attendees who had already given her their enrollment forms earlies in the evening who expressed their appreciation for her sensitivity in holding their forms until July 1 st. It made them feel that we really care about our members. Some of them gave outright donations right there and then! PARK SLOPE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH EVENT

11 The evening yielded: 2 Transfer-ins 8 New Members $300 PARK SLOPE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH EVENT

12 The events of the evening were shared with the rest of the chapter in their next email newsletter! PARK SLOPE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH EVENT Champagne and Dessert Reception June 16, 2015

13 Photos by Kaila Rachel. Montage by Ruth Shapiro Champagne and Dessert Reception June 16, 2015 PARK SLOPE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH EVENT

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