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Protist Picture Book.

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1 Protist Picture Book

2 Background Information
Protist- member of the protista kingdom Very diverse organisms which are single-celled eukaryotes. Protists fit into their kingdom based on their differences from organisms in other kingdoms

3 Directions Using pages read the information about the Protista Kingdom Use the first two pages to provide background information about protists General Characteristics, food source (Producers, Heterotrophs, Parasites, etc) Reproduction (Sexual, Asexual) Any other important information you feel is necessary to understand protists

4 Kinds of Protists Using your picture book, organize the different kinds of protists based on how they obtain food…… Provide a “chapter” for each kind of protist Include the following: Producers – algae (3), phytoplankton, diatoms, dinoflagellates, euglena Moving Heterotrophs – Amoeba, Zooflagellates, Ciliates Non-moving Heterotrophs – Spore forming, water mold, slime mold Include how they are classified, how they eat, how they move, and how they reproduce. You may also include any other facts you find interesting. You must provide an example of each protist by include a picture, drawing, etc. Please use a splash of color,

5 Grading This assignment will count as a quiz grade……100 Points
You will be graded on completion of the assignment and your creativity Have fun while learning about all of the organisms that live around you.

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