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Growth and Crisis in the Roman Republic

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1 Growth and Crisis in the Roman Republic

2 Struggle with Carthage
Punic Wars Conflict between Rome and Carthage for control over the Mediterranean Sea Carthage was a city in North Africa Carthage’s most successful general was Hannibal. He defeated Rome in several occasions, but was finally defeated by Rome. Rome attacked Carthage and other Greek city-states. Rome defeated Carthage & obtained control over North Africa Governors were sent to control new territories

3 Crisis in the Republic Corruption in the Government
Wealthy officials broke rules Magistrates stole from people Used violence to win elections and were disliked by poor people The republic was not working in favor of the people

4 Crisis in the Republic Economic Struggle
Gap between rich and poor widens as Roman Republic grows. Farmers lost their homes and moved to an overcrowded city. Politicians gave grain to the people, but the people wanted land and jobs. Tiberius Gracchus and his brother Gaius tried to help the poor, but were murdered.

5 Crisis in the Republic The Power of the Army
Military became less disciplined and disloyal. Only citizens who could afford it worked in the army. Consul Gaius Marius provided equipment and paid poor people to join army Soldiers recruited from the poor; showed loyalty to their generals.

6 From Republic to Empire
Civil War in Rome War between two groups in the same nation Army Commanders vs. the rest of Government Julius Ceasar marched his army into Rome and defeated his rivals (Senate and Pompey) Julius Ceasar took control of Rome and declared himself dictator for life Helped the poor and the army, which angered the upper classes It was the end of the Republic. Senators wanted to keep Republic the way it was. Group of Senators killed Caesar on a day called Ides of March, or March 15, 44 B.C.

7 The Republic Collapses
Beginning of the Empire Caesar’s supporters take control Caesar made Octavian his heir. Mark Antony and Cleopatra’s forces are defeated by Octavian Octavian accepts title of Augustus, “greatly honored one,” and rules Rome. He becomes first emperor of Rome.

8 Augustus Rome’s 1st emperor Held total power over the empire
Augustus, Rome’s ablest ruler, creates lasting system of government Increased soldier’s pay. Improved life for ordinary people Fought corruption in government Deified after death: declared a god and worshipped 8

9 Pax Romana (Roman Peace)
Under Augustus, Rome moves from a republic to an empire. Rome enjoys 200 years of peace and prosperity known as Pax Romana Around 65 million people are able to enjoy a time without major wars.

10 Roman Economy Romans built a navy and took down pirates in Mediterranean Sea Trade was cheaper by sea Farming was the base of the Roman economy Grain was shipped to Rome to feed its enormous population In exchange for grain, farmers in provinces received money

11 Rome's Achievements Roman Roads Architecture and Aqueducts
Paved roads connected the cities and forts of the Roman Empire Soldiers could march from city to city defend them Government was made more efficient and communication was faster. Architecture and Aqueducts Concrete was used to build structures because it was lighter and easier to use Pantheon is an example of these structures Built aqueducts to carry clean water to the cities Public Baths Sewers carried waste away from cities.

12 Popular Entertainment
Entertainment on massive scale Gladiators Men who fought each other for public entertainment Fights were held in arenas such as the Colosseum Gladiators were usually slave or criminals Chariot Races At the Circus Maximus Race course for more than 250,000 people

13 The Arts Mosaics were a design formed with small tiles of glass, stone or pottery Public building had colorful painted murals Statues of gods, heroes and important people

14 The Influence of Latin Latin was the spoken language of the empire
Romance languages are the ones developed from Latin Spanish, Italian, French Latin is still used today by the Catholic Church

15 Literature Oratory Poetry Satire The art of giving speeches
Most famous was Cicero Taught to politicians Poetry Virgil, Horace, Ovid Satire Works of literature that made fun of subjects Juvenal mocked Roman life.

16 Pompeii A.D. 79 City of Pompeii was destroyed by volcano Vesuvius
Ash preserved many of the buildings

17 The Fall of Rome


19 The Fall of Rome A Slow decline
Internal Forces Political Economic Social External Forces - Invaders

20 Political Empire too large to control Civil wars Army deteriorates
Troops could not be moved fast enough to defeat enemies. Civil wars Emperors plotted against each other for control instead of uniting Army deteriorates Soldiers followed different leaders No Unity

21 Economic Wars were too expensive
Taxes were raised to support the armies. Unemployment was high Decrease in trade Wars did not allow for people to travel fast.

22 Social Loss of citizen’s confidence and loyalty Population declines
                  Loss of citizen’s confidence and loyalty Population declines Hierarchical classes Plague

23 External Forces Invaders, also called barbarians, began to invade in the 3rd century. Germanic tribes from northern Europe crossed the Roman frontier and invaded Greece, Italy, Spain, and coastal areas of Asia Minor. Rich farmlands, and wealth of the Roman lands attracted the Germanic tribes. By the 5th century, the Roman Empire was overrun by barbarians.

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