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St. Regis Catholic School Elementary and Academy Common Core State Standards A Snapshot of English Language Arts (ELA)

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Presentation on theme: "St. Regis Catholic School Elementary and Academy Common Core State Standards A Snapshot of English Language Arts (ELA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 St. Regis Catholic School Elementary and Academy Common Core State Standards A Snapshot of English Language Arts (ELA)

2 Standards aligned with college and work expectations Standards that are clear, understandable and consistent Standards that include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high- order skills Standards that build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards Standards that are informed by other top performing countries, so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society Standards that are evidence-based Common Core State Standards What are they? Why do we need to use them?

3 Reading is the cornerstone of all learning! Common Core ELA Standards Reading Writing Speaking and Listening Language Media and Technology

4 It should be clear to every student, parent, and teacher what the standards of success are in every school in regards to reading expectations. R eading S tandards Establish a staircase or scaffolding effect, so knowledge builds Require a progressive development of reading comprehension, so students can gain more knowledge as they graduate up through the grades

5 Diversity is key with a range of subjects to build knowledge and gain insights, explore possibilities and broaden perspectives… Classic Literature Contemporary Literature Informational Texts

6 This will be evident throughout all the disciplines as we align our building curriculum. W riting S tandards The ability to write logical arguments based on substantive claims, sound reasoning, and relevant evidence is a cornerstone of the writing standards.

7 Both types of research are emphasized in the writing standards, given that written analysis and presentation findings is so often critical. R esearch E xpectations Short and focused projects Longer term in-depth research

8 To be a good writer, one must write! E xpected S tudent W ritings Writing Arguments Informational Text Explanatory Text Narratives

9 SPEAKING AND LISTENING Students will be able to: Gain evaluate and present complex information Collaborate in academic one-on-one, small group and whole class discussions Present formal presentations with incorporating technology Collaborate in informal discussions with peers to answer questions, build understanding and solve problems

10 Language Grow vocabularies…increase personal lexicons Determine word meanings Prepare for life experience and the 21 st century career (@ St. Regis we have incorporated a Leadership curriculum, to enhance this area) Evident through writing and speaking across the disciplines

11 Reading, Writing, Language Arts, Literature, Math, Science, Social Studies Vocabulary and Conventions Vocabulary and conventions are treated in their own strand not because skills in these areas should be handled in isolation but because their use extends across reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

12 Look for this integration to occur within the classroom as a curriculum enhancement next year. Media and Technology Just as media and technology are integrated in school and life in the twenty-first century, skills related to media use (both critical analysis and production of media) are integrated throughout the standards.

13 What are your questions?

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