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Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus

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1 Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus
Group: Caroline, Elliott, Marina, Mitch (Flavian Emperors and Year of the Four Emperors) Elliott Leong 10th Emperor of Rome: Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus

2 Early Birth Born 30- A.D. Father- Vespasian:------------>
(Notable Sibling)-Domitian

3 Adult Life Served as military tribune and commander
Served as military tribune and commander In charge of Judaea campaign during 69-AD Captured Jerusalem in 70 AD 70-AD: Become Joint Consul with father 71-AD: Made Praetorian---> Guard and given Tribunician powers 73-AD: Shared Consulship with Vespasian Praetorian Guard- Commander of Army in Rome

4 Rule of Titus Became emperor after Vespasian’s death in 79 AD
To honor his father, began building Temple of Vespasian (bottom left) Built the Arch of Titus (Bottom right)

5 Cont. Rule of Titus Disasters of Rome Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius
Disasters of Rome Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius Great Fire of Rome Death in 81 AD

6 Bibliography Donahue, John . "Roman Emperors - DIR Titus." Roman Emperors - DIR--De Imperatoribus Romanis Roman History Roman RomanEmpire Imperator Basileus De Imperatoribus Romanis EncyclopediaByzantine. (accessed February 13, 2013). "Emperor Titus." The Roman Empire. (accessed February 13, 2013). Morey, William C.. "Chapter XXV: THE FLAVIAN EMPERORS”VESPASIAN TO DOMITIAN ." In Outlines of Roman history: for the use of high schools and academies. New York: American Book Co., "The Roman Empire: in the First Century. The Roman Empire. Emperors. Titus & Domitian ." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. (accessed February 13, 2013). "Titus ( 39 AD to 81 AD)." ThinkQuest : Library. (accessed February 13, 2013). "Titus (Roman emperor) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia." Britannica Online Encyclopedia. (accessed February 13, 2013).

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