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Network of Excellence in Internet Science Network of Excellence in Internet Science (EINS) 2nd Review Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Žiga Turk, LJU, with.

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1 Network of Excellence in Internet Science Network of Excellence in Internet Science (EINS) 2nd Review Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Žiga Turk, LJU, with inputs from partners FP7-ICT-2011.1.6-288021 EINS JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards

2 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  „To expose the regulatory and governance mechanisms that have enabled the development of Internet standards, and to draw lessons from social scientific analysis in order to ensure the continued relevance of the standards process as the Internet becomes a multilingual mass market artefact.“  translation:  "to understand regulatory process and its impact"  "to contribute to its relevance and quality" JRA4 Vision

3 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards 1.Networking, dissemination, impact 2.Deliverables, books and other results 3.Further work and conclusions Presentation Contents

4 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  mobility of scientists  engagement with the professional communities and fora  engagement in policymaking  engagement in strategic thinking PART 1) Networking, disseminarion, impact

5 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  Marsden to MIT/Wharton/Harvard June 2013  Guadamuz to US 2014 (BitCoin case study)  Antoniadis to CAM 2013  Upcoming:  Bygrave (Oslo) to NEXA Q4 2014  Charo del Genio (Warwick) to Houston 2014  Marsden to UNIBO June 2014 Mobility

6 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  Delivered formal Workshop for JRA4 at United Nations Internet Governance Forum 21/10/2013  Co-chairs Marsden/Marzouki,  Cross-WP involvement: JRA6 David-Barrett, SEA2 Powell Engagement with professional community

7 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  Marsden paper presented to Director General’s Code of Practice Agora on co-regulation 10 Dec 2013  Marsden contributions towards ‘ConnectedContinent’ policy making with MEPs  Turk's contribution to MEP's Digital Europe report  Regular European Parliament requests to give speeches and attend panels on e.g. Google anti-trust settlement Engagement in policymaking

8 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  because Internet is one of the major disruptions  Turk contributing to ESPAS “The World in 2030” study  European Strategy and Policy Analysis System  broader than JRA4, more on Internet Science and its societal impact in general  ESPAS has high level participation:  EU: Comission (BEPA), Parliament, Council.  USA: National Security Council.  links to China, Russia.  High inpact on EU and US policymaking Engagement in strategic thinking

9 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  books  blogs, conferences  deliverables PART 2) Achievements

10 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  Powell, Bygrave and Marsden each have chapters relevant to their EINS work published  in Brown, I. ed (2013) Research Handbook on Internet Governance, announced on the EINS blog at  Marsden published with Ian Brown (JRA5 leader), their book 'Regulating Code' (MIT Press, March 2013).  Reference is made in the book to Internet science in the concluding chapter on regulation and governance, and a book tour of major universities and conferences is scheduled for late spring 2013. Achievements: Books

11 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  8 blog posts to EINS in 2013  IGF 2013 - From Mantra to Metrics: Measuring Multi- Stakeholderism?  Internet Design and Governance: LSE Seminar 22/11 On Friday, November 22  ACM Web Science 2013 EINS organised a workshop on "Internet Science and Web Science Synergies" with Serge Fdida, Kavé Salamatian, Thanassis Tiropanis, Chris Marsden, and Ian Brown.  iGov2 Symposium 2013, Lee Bygrave organised the third symposium of the iGov2 project in Oslo. Achievements: Blogs and conferences

12 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  catalogues and  regulation governance taxonomy typologies  developed from the tentative hypotheses presented in DR4.1  including case studies drawn from Tasks R4.4-4.5,  examining multi-stakeholder governance, civil society involvement, and the wider beta-user communities". Achievements: D4.2 defined as "drafts of …

13 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  Took literature study of D4.1 on regulation as input  (law, social science approach)  Created a conceptual model of regulations and regulatory processes  (computer science, organisational science approach)  Developed an on-line repository  technology Achievements: D4.2 law economics computer science political science

14 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards Generic regulation process model and main actors

15 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards Model implementation

16 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  Open Hardware Licensing,  Internet Addressing Infrastructure,  Open data standards,  Implementation of Net Neutrality  BGP (Border Gatweay Protocol) Governance  to be detailed in D4.3 Because one size does not fit all: Case studies

17 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  Contribution to EINS roadmap  Towards D4.3  Conclusions PART 3) Further work and conclusions

18 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards Roadmap: JRA4 contribution  (internet) science makes impact on society through three main knowledge transfer channels  innovation in industry  education in schools and universities  regulation … this is JRA4  JRA4 integrates  more fundamental JRAs (1-3)  with policy areas (e.g. JRA5-6)  Deliverables D4.1-4.2 and JRA4 publications provide intellectual underpinning for public engagement.  JRA4 contributed to external stakeholder discussions in 2013  Council of Europe; European Parliament; 9th IDP; 8th International Conference of Information Commissioners; United Nations Internet Governance Forum; UN Economic Commission for Latin America; DG CONNECT Co-regulatory Agora, ESPAS …  There is confirmed close interest in Internet Science from government and corporate stakeholders.  Policy actors are becoming significantly more aware of the benefits of using holistic scientific advice to address their policy concerns.

19 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards Future Steps  populate the on-line catalogue  detailing the case studies  recomendations on regulatory policymaking & multistakeholder standard setting  Continued dissemination, publication, outreach  blog  Conferences ICIC Berlin; IEEE SIIT; UN IGF; WEBIST …  REFIT,  JRA4/5 seminar OXF 27 Feb before IETF 89

20 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  progressing according to plan  highly interdisciplinary  high visibility  high impact on policymaking and regulating Conclusions

21 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards THE END

22 Network of Excellence in Internet Science Network of Excellence in Internet Science (EINS) 2nd Review Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Žiga Turk, LJU, with inputs from partners FP7-ICT-2011.1.6-288021 EINS Response to Review

23 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  Extremely close cooperation – notably over ‘Internet Governance Month’ October 2013 (Marsden/Powell)  Workshop 21 October/panel discussion 22 November  Unnecessary to merge given excellent ties Combining JRA4-SEA2

24 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  Own-initiative ‘responses’ to review  (and internal) concerns  integrating female researchers  working with other JRAs.  Meryem Marzouki co-chair IGF workshop  JRA6 involvement: Tamas (OXF) to Bali  Alison Powell (LSE Media Policy Project)  SEA2 involvement – Internet Governance Month  16 blog posts on Internet governance – 100,000+ views  JRA3 involvement:  Co-chairing WebSci’14 Paris workshop Co-organised activities addressing review

25 2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February, 2014 JRA4: Regulation, Governance, and Standards  Co-leader Žiga Turk  overseeing D4.2 and D4.3  Solves ‘issue’ of Prof. Turk’s ministerial responsibilities in M1-14 of EINS  Co-leadership working very well  JRA members making significant progress on draft case studies  LSE, NEXA, Oslo, Ljubljana, Savoie  Very constructive working relationships Other responses

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