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“ YOU WERE ORDAINED TO ETERNAL LIFE ”. 16-1 THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.1 Now remember this. Christ in the True Church is a continuation.

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Presentation on theme: "“ YOU WERE ORDAINED TO ETERNAL LIFE ”. 16-1 THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.1 Now remember this. Christ in the True Church is a continuation."— Presentation transcript:


2 16-1 THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.1 Now remember this. Christ in the True Church is a continuation of the Book of Acts. But the Book of Revelation shows how that the antichrist spirit would come into the church and defile it, making it lukewarm, formal and powerless. It exposes Satan, revealing his works (attempted destruction of God's people and the discrediting of God's word) right down to the time he is cast into the lake of fire. He fights that. He cannot stand it.

3 16-1 THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.1 He knows that if the people get the TRUE REVELATION of the TRUE CHURCH and what she is, what she stands for and that SHE CAN DO THE GREATER WORKS, she will be an invincible army. If they get a true revelation of the two spirits within the framework of the Christian church, and by God's Spirit discern and withstand the antichrist spirit, Satan will be powerless before her.

4 16-1 THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.1 You will recall that I mentioned at the beginning of this message that this Book we are studying is the actual revelation of Jesus, Himself, in the church and His work in the future ages. Then I mentioned that it takes the Holy Spirit to give us revelation or we will fail to get it.

5 16-1 THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.1 Bringing these two thoughts together you will see that it won't take just ordinary study and thinking to make this Book real. It is going to take the operation of the Holy Ghost. That means this Book can't be revealed to anyone but a special class of people.

6 16-1 THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.1 1.It will take one with prophetic insight. 2.It will require the ability to hear from God. 3.It will require supernatural instruction, not just a student comparing verse with verse, though that is good.

7 16-1 THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.1 But a mystery requires the teaching of the Spirit or it never becomes clear. How we need to hear from God and lay ourselves open and become yielded to the Spirit to hear and know.

8 16-2 THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.1 As I have already said, this Book (Revelation) is the consummation of the Scriptures. It is even placed exactly right in the canon of Scripture; at the end. Now you can know why it says that anyone who reads or even hears it is blessed.

9 16-2 THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.1 It is the revelation of God that will give you authority over the devil. And you can see why they who would add or take from it would be cursed. It would have to be so, for who can add or take away from the perfect revelation of God and overcome the enemy? It is that simple. There is nothing of such prevailing power as the revelation of the Word.

10 PERSEVERANT_ DALLAS.TX V-19 N-9 THURSDAY_ 64-0305 I want to take one word: Perseverant 10 The word, according to Webster, on some notes I got written out here, it means "to be persistent," to be perseverant, and, that is, into making a goal; "to be persistent," and that's perseverant.

11 PERSEVERANT_ DALLAS.TX V-19 N-9 THURSDAY_ 64-0305 11 Man of all ages, that has faith in what they are trying to achieve, has been perseverant. No man can be perseverant unless first he knows what he is trying to achieve. And you first must know what you're trying to achieve, and then have faith that you're going to get what you are trying for. And that makes you persistent, something that you know is real. Faith is based that way.

12 PERSEVERANT_ DALLAS.TX V-19 N-9 THURSDAY_ 64-0305 13 Now we believe the Bible to be God's infallible Word. We believe that It is the entire revelation of Jesus Christ; revealing Himself in the Old Testament, by the prophets; God making Hisself known through His Son, Christ Jesus, and in Him dwelt the fulness of the Godhead, bodily.

13 PERSEVERANT_ DALLAS.TX V-19 N-9 THURSDAY_ 64-0305 13 He was crucified for our sins; died, buried, rose the third day, ascended into Heaven, and is back here again in the Name of the... In the form of the Holy Spirit, God dwelling... One time, God above us; in Christ, God with us; now God in us. It's God working His way back into man, to worship, be worshiped through man, God's agency. God does nothing outside of a man being His agent, His helper.

14 PERSEVERANT_ DALLAS.TX V-19 N-9 THURSDAY_ 64-0305 14 And now man who has had faith in God, has been very persistent in what they are trying to do. And we take man of all walks of life. 15 For instance, George Washington, here at Valley Forge. After praying all night in the snow, up to his hips, was wet way up around his waistline, and the river was full of ice. But he caught a vision from God, he caught faith, that God was going to give him the victory.

15 PERSEVERANT_ DALLAS.TX V-19 N-9 THURSDAY_ 64-0305 And the--the river had... couldn't a-had too much ice in it, though. Over two-thirds of his army didn't even have shoes on their feet. Their feet was wrapped in rags, standing in that cold. But yet he felt in his heart that God had give him the victory. He had prayed through.

16 PERSEVERANT_ DALLAS.TX V-19 N-9 THURSDAY_ 64-0305 The next day, we know, three musket bullets went through his coat without touching him. And the river couldn't stop him, neither could a musket bullet stop him. He was persistent, because he had prayed through. And he had faith in what he was doing, in the One that was leading him, that was God.

17 PERSEVERANT_ DALLAS.TX V-19 N-9 THURSDAY_ 64-0305 16 Nothing is going to stop a man when he--he is perseverant, when he knows what he is doing, and got faith in what he is trying to achieve.

18 THE.VOICE.OF.THE.SIGN_ BEAUMONT.TX FRIDAY_ 64-0313 197 Now, I know when He was here on earth, He, God was in Him. He was God. He was the fulness of God. He was all the Word of God made manifest. 198 And the Bible is still God, the Word, and there is some of the revelation yet to be revealed. And He said, "In the last days, when the world become like Sodom again, the Son of man would be revealed." And the sign of Sodom would return.

19 199 We know, when He was here, there were millions of people on the earth, that never knowed He was here; no reason to know. See? He come to those who were predestinated to see it.

20 THE.VOICE.OF.THE.SIGN_ DENHAM.SP.LA SATURDAY_ 64-0321E 62 There is only one form of Eternal Life. If you've got Eternal Life, then you yourself was in God's thinking before the world was created. You're an attribute of His thinking, 'cause Eternal never did begin or never can end. You're a part of God's economy, always. It's just reflecting. It's becoming now.

21 THE.VOICE.OF.THE.SIGN_ DENHAM.SP.LA SATURDAY_ 64-0321E 65 See, he was foreordained. And so was all those offices of God, if they are called of God. 66 If they're educated into it, it's only cannon fodder, see, it can't be nothing. If it's a meal ticket, then you sell your birthrights for a meal ticket, you'll compromise to go with an organization or some group. But if it's of God, you'll stand by that Word, regardless, because you were born to stand by it.

22 THE.VOICE.OF.THE.SIGN_ DENHAM.SP.LA SATURDAY_ 64-0321E 67 Moses, no one else could take his place. No one else could do the job. He was ordained to do it. 68 And, brethren, sister, if you've got Eternal Life, you were ordained to do a certain thing. Maybe a good housewife, maybe something else, but nobody can take your place. God has made you a place. Don't try to take somebody else's place. That's carnal impersonations, see, shows there is something wrong with you. Be what you are, just exactly. Don't be nothing else.

23 I.HAVE.HEARD.BUT.NOW.I.SEE_ SHREVEPORT.LA V-7 N-3 SATURDAY_ 65-1127E94 194 Just the Elected understood Who He was. Just think, there's about maybe three million people, Jews, on earth, there wasn't one third of them ever knowed He was there till He had done come and gone. See? But He revealed Himself to those who were waiting: John the Baptist, and--and the apostles that had been called by John, and so forth, and blind Anna in the temple, Simeon the priest that "it was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost that he was going to see the Christ." All those great religious leaders, theologians and things, blind as they could be ! AS THE MUSICIANS COME FORTH

24 I.HAVE.HEARD.BUT.NOW.I.SEE_ SHREVEPORT.LA V-7 N-3 SATURDAY_ 65-1127E 195 Only can the rain raise the seed, if the seed's already there. And as you was a germ first in your father, and he didn't know you, yet you were in your father. But through a bedding ground of your mother, you were made manifest in his likeness, and then he could talk to you.

25 I.HAVE.HEARD.BUT.NOW.I.SEE_ SHREVEPORT.LA V-7 N-3 SATURDAY_ 65-1127E God, the Great God; if you've got Eternal Life, then the germ of Eternal Life was in God at the beginning. And you were there, you were in His thinking, your name and all. And He, by foreknowledge, ordained you to see This. And you that was not ordained, will never see It. But, remember, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, "The hour is here!" Won't you believe Him? Give your lives to Him. I have to stop, it's after nine.


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