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Chapter 12: The Decline of Church Prestige (McKay pp. 392-96)  I. The Decline in Church Prestige –Pax Catholica –Investiture Controversy (1075-76) Gregory.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12: The Decline of Church Prestige (McKay pp. 392-96)  I. The Decline in Church Prestige –Pax Catholica –Investiture Controversy (1075-76) Gregory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12: The Decline of Church Prestige (McKay pp. 392-96)  I. The Decline in Church Prestige –Pax Catholica –Investiture Controversy (1075-76) Gregory VII vs. Henry IV Confession @Canossa Concordat of Worms (1122) –Innocent III (1198-1216); The Roman Catholic Secular Bureaucracy

2 The Decline in Church Prestige  I. Stage One: Boniface VIII vs. Philip IV “The Fair”  *Phil 4’s decision to tax the clergy –Pope on the Move –Philip Arrests Bernard Saisset

3 The Decline in Church Prestige –Bull Ausculti Fili “Listen, My Son” (1301) –Unam Sanctam (1302) –Guillaume Nogaret and Sciarra Colonna and the “Crime at Angani” –Boniface VIII’s Death  II. Stage Two: The Babylonian Captivity II (1305-77) –The Avignon Papacy (France)

4 The Decline in Church Prestige –Clement V –Clement VI – sale of indulgences; simony; “I would sell a bishopric to a donkey if the donkey had money.” –Petrarch describes the Avignon Papacy –III. The Beginning of a Reform Movement (Pre-Reformation)

5 Decline in Church Prestige –Marsiglius of Padua (Defensor Pacis, 1324) –John Wycliffe/Lollards –John Hus/Hussites –*St. Catherine of Siena – Letters, lobbies Pope Gregory XI back to Rome  IV. The Great Schism (1378-1417) –Pope Urban VI – elected by coercion –Pope Clement VII – Cardinals go back to Avignon –The Western World chooses sides and watches

6 Decline of Church Prestige  V. The Conciliar Movement –3 Main Purposes End the schism End Church Corruption Create Church Council with Parliamentary qualities to check Papal absolutism –Council of Pisa (1409) –Council of Constance (1414-17)*** Sigismund (HRE) Schism Ends, Martin V Elected, Hus Burned

7 Decline of Church Prestige –What’s Left??? 1) End of Conciliar Movement – NOPE; nothing accomplished; 2)Efforts to curb Church Abuses – NOPE; It got Worse 3)Papal Wake-up Call (Nah!!!) Renaissance Popes

8 Decline of Church Prestige Renaissance Popes: You haven’t seen the stench of true corruption  BIG PICTURE: –A foundation for Reformation? (YUP!) –Universal Church – Signed its death warrant –Feudal Cooperation of Church and State: one down, or in the process of one down, one to go (17 th -19 th centuries)

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