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The Billy Rose Art Garden, designed by the Japanese-American sculptor Isamu Noguchi,lies on the western slope of the Museum’s campus. As in a Japanese.

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3 The Billy Rose Art Garden, designed by the Japanese-American sculptor Isamu Noguchi,lies on the western slope of the Museum’s campus. As in a Japanese Zen garden, the ground is covered in gravel, and paths lined with characteristic local, natural vegetation such as: rosemary bushes, olive and fig trees connect the different sections of the garden. A multitude of materials were incorporated into the garden’s design: stones of different kinds and sizes, exposed concrete, and water. גן האמנות ע”ש בילי רוז גן האמנות עוצב בידי הפסל היפני-אמריקני איסאמו נוגוצ'י. ייחודו של הגן, המשתרע על פני כעשרים דונמים, בטראסות הבנויות מתלי סלעים, המזכירות את הטראסות בהרים שבסביבות ירושלים ואת המבנים החקלאיים המצויים בנוף הרי יהודה. פני הגן מכוסים בשכבה של אבנים קטנטנות, מראה המעלה על הדעת גני זן במנזרים יפניים. בגן צמחייה טבעית האופיינית לאזור: שיחי רוזמרין, עצי זית ותאנה. Billy Rose Garden Art, proiectat de sculptorul japonez-american Isamu Noguchi, se află pe versantul vestic al campusului Muzeului. Ca într-o grădină Zen japonez, pamântul este acoperit cu pietriş. Poteci cu vegetaţie naturală,caracteristică regiunii, cum ar fi: tufişuri de rozmarin, pomi de măslini şi smochini leagă diferitele secţiuni ale grădinii. O multitudine de materiale au fost încorporate în designul grădinii: pietre de diferite tipuri şi mărimi, beton şi apă.


5 Auguste Rodin “Adam”



8 Alexander Calder The Sun at Croton

9 Menashe Kadishman “Trees”


11 The Pipe Smoker by Chana Orloff

12 Alexander Archipenko “Woman Combing Her Hair”

13 David Smith “Cubi VI”

14 Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen “Apple Core”


16 Pablo Picasso 'Profile'

17 'Extrapolations‘ limestone and steel cable sculpture by Benni Efrat. Mark Dion “The Antiquarian Book Shop” is a life-scale book shop filled with hundreds of books. The structure is locked and not accessible.

18 Anish Kapoor “Turning The World Upside Down”

19 A 15-foot-high sculpture of polished stainless steel at the highest outdoor point on the museum campus.

20 This is me ! We are all upside down and so thin !

21 Henry Moore Three-piece Sculpture: Vertebrae




25 Emile-Antoine Bourdelle The Warrior of Montauban

26 Magdalena Abakanowicz “Negev “

27 The entrance to James Turrell’s "Space that sees"





32 'Two' Ofer Lellouche

33 Lynn Chadwick Two Figures

34 Robert Indiana "AHAVA", meaning love


36 YouTube - The Art Garden at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem Google : billy rose art garden / images You can see all the statues with some more information about them. Interesting Music: Alexander Sevastian playing Konzertstuck by Carl Maria von Weber

37 11/26/2010

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