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The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham Starting a new Ordinariate Group The South Wales Group.

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1 The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham Starting a new Ordinariate Group The South Wales Group









10 Prayer for Wales O Almighty God, who in thy infinite goodness hast sent thy only-begotten Son into this world to open once more the gates of heaven, and to teach us how to know, love and serve thee, have mercy on thy people who dwell in Wales. Grant to them the precious gift of faith, and unite them in the one true Church founded by thy divine Son; that, acknowledging her authority and obeying her voice, they may serve thee, love thee, and worship thee as thou desirest in this world, and obtain for themselves everlasting happiness in the world to come. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for Wales. Saint David, pray for Wales. Saint Winifride, pray for Wales. Holy Martyrs of Wales, pray for Wales. Gweddi dros Gymru O Hollalluog Dduw a ddanfonodd, o'th anfeidrol ddaioni, dy uniganedig Fab i ailagor porth y nefoedd ac i ddysgu inni dy adnabod, dy garu a'th wasanaethu, trugarha wrth dy bobl sy'n byw yng Nghymru. Dyro iddynt y werthfawr ddawn Ffydd, ac una hwy yn yr un wir Eglwys a sylfaenwyd gan dy ddwyfol Fab, fel, gan arddel ei hawdurdod a chan ufuddhau i'w llais y'th wasanaethont i, a'th garu a'th addoli yn ôl dy ewyllys yn y byd hwn, ac felly dderbyn ohonynt ddedwyddwch yn y byd a ddaw. Trwy'r un Iesu Grist ein Harglwydd. Amen. Ein Harglwyddes, Gymorth Cristnogion, gweddïa dros Gymru. Dewi Sant, gweddïa dros Gymru. Santes Wenfrewi, gweddïa dros Gymru. Holl Ferthyron Cymru, gweddïa dros Gymru.

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