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The Great General ElectionsThe Great General Elections  Today, there are some countries where voting is not an option (Cuba, China).  Nevertheless,

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2 The Great General ElectionsThe Great General Elections  Today, there are some countries where voting is not an option (Cuba, China).  Nevertheless, here voting is a privilege for the general citizenship.  Not every society in history has had the privilege of electing its authorities.  In NT times, an Emperor and a Senate governed Rome.

3 The Great General ElectionsThe Great General Elections  But notice these truths about the elections:  We get the privilege of choosing.  With the privilege of choosing comes the responsibility of choosing well.  Not everyone wants this responsibility because not everyone wants to answer for choosing badly.  For this reason some decide not to register or not to vote—they believe that they can avoid the responsibility of choosing badly (a mistake).

4 The Great General ElectionsThe Great General Elections  Many deal this way with another kind of General Elections— Great Spiritual General Elections

5 There Are Only Two Parties Soliciting Our Vote  The Power of Darkness Party (Col. 1:13)  Leader : Satan, the prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2)  Cabinet : demons and spiritual hosts of wickedness (Eph. 6:12)

6 There Are Only Two Parties Soliciting Our Vote  Citizens : the world (1 John 5:19b)  Motto : Unrighteousness and lies (John 8:44)  The Power of Darkness Party (Col. 1:13)

7 There Are Only Two Parties Soliciting Our Vote  Propaganda :  “You will not surely die.” (Gen. 3:4)  Disobeying God does NOT lead to death.  The Power of Darkness Party (Col. 1:13)

8 There Are Only Two Parties Soliciting Our Vote




12 All of Us Cast a Vote for One Party or the Other  In these elections it is not possible not to register or not to vote in order to remain neutral (Mat. 12:30; 6:24).

13 All of Us Cast a Vote for One Party or the Other  We all make a choice.  When we sin, we elect Satan; we become slaves to sin (John 8:34; Rom. 6:16).  The only way to get out of this dilemma is to elect Jesus (John 8:31-32; Rom. 6:11).

14 Our Vote WILL Make a Difference  It will make a difference because it will determine how we live here (Rom. 6:1ff).  This will affect the society in which we live (Prov. 14:34).  Those who choose Jesus choose His way of living (Phil. 1:21).

15 Our Vote WILL Make a Difference  It will make a difference in the life to come.  If we choose Jesus, He will choose us (Mat. 10:32-33).  As Christians, we become God’s chosen ones (Rom. 8:31-33).

16 The Great General ElectionsThe Great General Elections  During these General Spiritual Elections, remember that we have the privilege of choosing.  With the privilege of choosing comes the responsibility of choosing well.

17 The Great General ElectionsThe Great General Elections  There are only two parties.  How do we vote?  Trusting obedience!  This is how we cast our vote for Jesus!  This is how we will secure God’s vote for us (Mat. 25:31ff).

18 The Great General ElectionsThe Great General Elections  Therefore, for whom will you cast your vote?

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