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Coastal flooding in Bangladesh

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Presentation on theme: "Coastal flooding in Bangladesh"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coastal flooding in Bangladesh
Aims You will understand how coastal flooding occurs in Bangladesh. (Causes) How does coastal flooding affect peoples lives? (Effects, Citizenship) How can the problem of coastal flooding be limited to help the people of Bangladesh.

2 Where is Bangladesh?

3 Is Bangladesh a MEDC or LEDC?
Bangladesh is a Less Economically Developed Country.

4 What are the causes of coastal flooding in Bangladesh?
Bangladesh is a low lying country. Cyclones are common in The Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh has very few sea defences as they are expensive Three major rivers flow through Bangladesh: Ganges, Brahmaputra, Maghna.

5 What are the effects of coastal flooding in Bangladesh?
Diseases such as Malaria and Cholera develop in the warm damp conditions. Crops are destroyed by the floodwaters creating food shortages. Many people are made homeless by the flood. The floods cost millions of $ of damage. Many people drown in the floodwaters.

6 How can the effects of coastal flooding be limited in Bangladesh
How can the effects of coastal flooding be limited in Bangladesh? (Solutions) Build dams in the upper course of the rivers. Better warning systems. Grow mangrove swamps into the sea. Build coastal sea defences.

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