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200 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 300 Lower Federal Court Federal Appeals Courts Federal.

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2 200 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 300 Lower Federal Court Federal Appeals Courts Federal Court System Bill becomes Law Congress

3 -This is the lowest level of federal court? Row 1---100 Question

4 -District Row 1---100 Answer

5 -How does this lowest level determine guilt or innocence? Row 1---200 Question

6 -Jury Trial Row 1---200 Answer

7 -This Federal Court hears cases on first appeal? Row 1---300 Question

8 -Appeals Court Row 1---300 Answer

9 -What is the job of this secondary court? Row 1---400 Question

10 -determining fairness Row 1---400 Answer

11 -How are Federal judges chosen? Row 1---500 Question

12 -by the President Row 1---500 Answer

13 -How long is the term of a federal judge? Row 2---100 Question

14 -lifetime Row 2---100 Answer

15 -This term is for a ruling given by an Appeals or Supreme Court that means the verdict in the original trial was fairly reached? Row 2---200 Question

16 -upheld Row 2---200 Answer

17 Row 2---300 Question -This term is for a ruling given by an Appeals or Supreme Court case that means the original verdict is placed aside and the case is thrown out?

18 -overturned Row 2---300 Answer

19 Row 2---400 Question -This term is for a ruling in an Appeals or Supreme Court case that means the case was unfairly reached and a new trial is ordered in a lower court?

20 -remand Row 2---400 Answer

21 -This is the written summary of the arguments placed before the Appeals Court judges? Row 2---500 Question

22 -brief Row 2---500 Answer

23 -Name the two separate court systems that exist in the US? Row 3---100 Question

24 -Federal and State Row 3---100 Answer

25 -Name the two types of cases that are tried in those courts? Row 3---200 Question

26 -civil and criminal Row 3---200 Answer

27 -This is the term meaning the authority to hear and decide an issue. Row 3---300 Question

28 -jurisdiction Row 3---300 Answer

29 -This is the term for the court that has the initial authority to hear a case? Row 3---400 Question

30 -original jurisdiction Row 3---400 Answer

31 -This term means that only one court system has authority to hear the case? Row 3---500 Question

32 -exclusive jurisdiction Row 3---500 Answer

33 -Name the agreement which created our two house Congress? Row 4---100 Question

34 -Great Compromise Row 4---100 Answer

35 -Name the two houses of our Congress? Row 4---200 Question

36 -House ad Senate Row 4---200 Answer

37 -How long are the terms in the lower house? Row 4---300 Question

38 -2 years Row 4---300 Answer

39 -How long are the terms in the upper house? Row 4---400 Question

40 -6 years Row 4---400 Answer

41 -How many total members? Row 4---500 Question

42 -100 in Senate Row 4---500 Answer

43 -How does a bill get into Congress? Row 5---100 Question

44 -sponsored by Congressman Row 5---100 Answer

45 -These are meetings held by legislative committees in order to allow public comments and information to be given to legislative committees. Row 5---200 Question

46 -public hearings Row 5---200 Answer

47 -Term that describes a special committee made up of legislators from the House and Senate who try to work out differences in bill that passed both houses in different forms. Row 5---300 Question

48 -conference committee Row 5---300 Answer

49 -This is the process where the President does not sign a bill and Congress has adjourned and after ten days the bills dies rather than becoming law. Row 5---400 Question

50 -pocket veto Row 5---400 Answer

51 -This is the ability of Congress to pass a bill after the President has vetoed it---but only if they can pass it again with a 2/3 majority. Row 5---500 Question

52 -override Row 5---500 Answer

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